Schilthorn in winter Complete Guide


007's mountain! Is Schilthorn in winter worth it?

There are some places you just can't wait to see, can you? And that's how I was looking forward to seeing 007's famous mountain.
But I wanted to visit the Schilthorn in winter, I think everything with snow has a more magical atmosphere.

Where is it? is it?

The summit of the Schilthorn mountain is in Switzerland's Bernese Alps. It overlooks the Lauterbrunnen valley in the Bernese Oberland.
Schilthorn isn't exactly in Interlaken, but many people who visit the city put the mountain on their itinerary, just as we did.


Bear in mind that it takes about an hour and a half to get there and another hour and a half to get back. So set aside the whole day for this tour and enjoy the Schilthorn in winter or summer with complete peace of mind.
The Schilthorn mountain is right in the middle of the Swiss Alps, immersed in a landscape that will make you want to stay there forever!

How to get there?

Train + bus

Take the train from Interlajen Ost station to Lauterbrunnen, but don't worry, it's not there yet.
Once in Lauterbrunnen, you need to take another bus, the 141, which takes you to Stechelberg, where the cable car to the top of Schilthorn mountain departs.


The point to jump is the penultimate one and we end up getting lost and going to the last point.
Google maps didn't fool us, laughs, but it was the best thing we did.
Really? Well, we ended up in the most magical scenery, with bridges, little farms and lots of snow!
After 15 minutes in this paradise, the bus left again and we returned to the right stop, from where the cable cars to the top of the Schilthorn leave.


How much does cost?

We use our Swiss Travel PassFor the transportation to Stechelberg, as well as to Shchilthon, the mountain is included in this pass, so we didn't pay anything.

However, for those who don't have a Swiss Pass, the return ticket from Stechelberg to Schilthonr costs 105 Swiss francs and children aged 6 to 15 get a 50% discount.
The Eurail pass also gives you a discount on entry, costing just 78.80 Swiss francs.


The Schilthorn is huge and there are so many things to do, we decided to go straight to the top and then go down to see the rest.
Not only is it better than going up and down a thousand times, but it's also a good strategy because the top stations close early and in winter the day is even shorter.

007's mountain

But what makes Schilthorn Mountain known as 007's mountain? This mountain was the setting for the 1969 film 007 in Her Majesty's Service, and of course it has been a popular destination for fans ever since.

007 Museum in Schilthonr

It is the highest part of the mountain you can visit, at 2970m.
The feeling is simply INCREDIBLE! As soon as we got off the cable car, we came across the entrance to the 007 Museum, and of course we went in! I finally introduced the famous Bond to my little one, who until then had only known what I had said on the way.

The museum is very exciting, you feel like you're in the movie a few times, for those of us who grew up with the famous James Bond, it's simply sensational.
We entered with a collection of movies on the wall and that unmistakable music.
Further on, Bond himself is projected onto a curtain with the opening scene, it's impossible not to get emotional and joke that you're Bond, lol at least that's what I did, laughs.

As you pass through the curtain, you'll see a red telephone, which you'll be told is a mission when you answer it! Then it's time to get into the helicopter, where it really feels like you're flying, and then get into the slider simulator. I felt like a real Bond and took the kid with me.
It was a morning of pure adventure, but one that had only just begun.

Piz Gloria

The indoor adventure is over, and now it's time to take over the Top of the World, with its 2970m height and many frozen mountains all around.


There are a number of binoculars so you can enjoy the view even more. Children aren't left out and there's also something for them, with a magic eye so they can be entertained at their own height.
If you look down, you'll see lots of people starting their skiing or snowboarding adventures, practically at our feet, it's a joy like no other.
I've often been told that Switzerland is a special place, but you'll only really know that once you've been there.
The view is out of this world and the cold almost goes away with the beauty that surrounds us, but it is soon remembered as soon as we put our hands on the ice to play with the first snowball.


The top of the mountain is MUCH colder than anywhere else, especially if you go to Schilthorn in winter.


At this point the thermometers were reading -16 degrees, the coldest I'd ever experienced, little did I know that on the same trip I'd experience -27 degrees, but I'll talk about that later, lol.

In fact, the cold didn't bother me until I had the bright idea of picking up the snow and playing ball games or making a snowman with the kid, when I remembered that I wasn't wearing waterproof gloves.

TIP: The cold won't bother you if you're wearing the RIGHT clothes!

Even if you're not going to the mountain with the intention of skiing, take appropriate clothing, the mountain is huge and not touching the snow in winter is practically IMPOSSIBLE, the snow almost seduces you, it's VERY BEAUTIFUL.

Luckily, there's also a restaurant there, so getting warm wasn't that difficult and I didn't lose all my fingers, lol.
It's even the first revolving restaurant at an altitude of 3000m in the world! It's no small feat and seeing the Schilthorn in winter at your feet is thrilling.


It was a beautiful day, but time passes too quickly when you're having fun and there was still so much to see.
We took the Birg cable car down a little way and headed for the skyline

Thrill Walk and Skyline

We've reached 2677 m above sea level, and it's undoubtedly the place where the adrenaline will rush through your body.
In this season, there is a walk with a hollowed-out floor around the entire mountain. Unfortunately, in winter this trail is limited, but you can already feel the chill in your stomach.


We went down some stairs that became slippery with ice until we reached a path with a completely hollow floor, so if you're afraid of heights like me, take a deep breath and always look up! It's worth it, the landscape is amazing and you feel like you're floating.


It's a lot of adrenaline

Then we find a tightrope in the middle of the cliff, of course there is protection below. But it's hollow and the feeling is the same as if there was nothing underneath, laughs.
So I left this mission to Igor, who had a lot of fun going over the rope a thousand times, while I watched and sweated with nervousness, lol.

But the thrills aren't over, when we get up to the platform platform, the thrill can get even better: How about stepping onto a floor floor? I did, and I went! I overcame my fear, the sensation is and the view is bizarre, how can you not love it?

IMG 1057 - Cris Around the World

Fears vanquished and the final descent was almost upon us! There was just time to grab a bite to eat at the restaurant and head down to Mürren


It was about an hour before everything closed, and the sun was getting low! But we didn't want to stop sliding down the mountain with Emmanuel, so we ran out and rented a sled!

The village of Mürren is beautiful, with everything we dream of in mountain houses: snow-covered roofs, wooden houses and everything cute! One day I'll go back and sleep there. Yes, Mürren has all the facilities you need, with markets, restaurants and hotels - unlike other resorts, Mürren really is a city.


We strolled along until we discovered another funicular. At this point it was about 40 minutes before the place where we rented the sleigh closed.

We ran, Igor went down with the kid and I waited for the next funicular, everything worked out and we made the most of what the Schilthorn in winter could offer us.


Schilthorn with children, fun guaranteed!

Normally Mürren is known as the starting point for the children's mountain, with a playground and everything, but in winter the playground is full of snow and so we don't play, we just take advantage of the snow to go sledding with the kids.
I wish I'd had more time to go up and down a thousand times, but it was worth it.


Another interesting fact: Mürren is considered to be the birthplace of alpine skiing. This makes it one of the most popular ski resorts in all of Switzerland.
You won't want to miss a spot like this on your itinerary, will you?

What do we think of the Schilthorn in winter?

I found the tour simply sensational, even though it's less famous than its neighbor Jugfrau, the Schilthorn mountain should not be missing from your itinerary.

Especially if adrenaline is something you like a lot, even me, who is terrified of heights, enjoyed the skyline!
However, the mountain is more limited in winter, without many of its accessible trails and with a completely different landscape, but I LOVED IT!


I love winter and snow. I think everything is more charming and different and I confess that although Switzerland is wonderful in the summer, winter has more than its charm.

We really enjoyed it!

All I could think about was the bright white snow around and at the foot of the Schilthorn in winter, it's the most BEAUTIFUL thing!


We were able to make the most of the day and enjoy a lot of family time, sledding down the mountain or pretending to be James Bonde on the snowy mountains.

Of course, the ball war and the snowman made it even more fun!


We love it and I recommend it without a doubt! Just don't forget your waterproof gloves, a strong shell and lots of energy to have fun!

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