About Us

Hi, I'm Cris Stilben, who is completely in love with travel.
Everything I did in life I thought about being able to travel more, throughout college I saved what money I could to start my wanderings, okay, I had already visited some Brazilian states, but until I was 21 I hadn't even left Brazil!
However, in January 2010 everything changed radically. I'd had a heartbreak and coincidentally I'd just graduated from university, I had some money saved up and I really wanted to throw myself into it. That's when I grabbed my backpack and set off into the world. Of course, these stories couldn't be lost, so I created my travel diary so I'd never forget my stories and adventures, and that's how Cris pelo Mundo was born.
A year later, in 2011, I reconnected with an old school friend, Igor Duarte. I didn't know what would happen, but his motto was something that really suited me. He believes that what you get out of life is the life you lead and that moments need to be lived
But of course this story of living life intensely would end up, sooner or later, resulting in the biggest surprise fate could have prepared for us. In 2015, little Emmanuel arrived, bringing meaning to everything we felt.

I already knew that traveling as a family would be wonderful and the best investment we could make for little Emmanuel's development, and so we did, each trip a longer flight.
Emmanuel is our best travel partner and is up for any destination! We've gained a greater meaning for traveling: to show our little one the best things in life!
After all, traveling as a family is possible and a lot of fun!
My travel diary has grown, taken over YouTube and in 2019 it caught the attention of television, overcoming the barriers of the internet! Today we have our own TV show to encourage more and more families to get on the road too! You can also follow us on streaming platforms such as Prime Video!
Ahhhh! Our adventures have become a book, and we are extremely happy to share more and more moments with you. I'm sure there's lots more to come... well, one is too little and two is perfect, lol!