
Last knowledge in Miami.

Iupiii fed!!! Off you go!!! Marathon, run after the GoPro!!! I wanted to buy the 2, which shoots better, has more resolution and so on, but the day before I only

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Shopping rush in Miami!

Well, now the shopping has begun! But we had very little time! It was a rush! And we didn't know the Dolphin Mall, we hadn't seen the map with the stores.

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No money in Miami.

Ahhh we woke up more than anxious!!! It was already 10 a.m. and our plans were... to be shopping by that time!!! Had they put the money in?

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Arriving in Miami.

Humm I could finally stretch my legs and disembark!!! Yay!!! We went through immigration and a very nice man interviewed me, asking me what I was doing in his country... and

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There are a few trips between Chile and Mimai, but I'm going to write about this one, because it was the last one and it's all fresh in my mind =) It was

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