After a few falls, climbs, descents on foot ... I decided to take on the thing that climbed and carried much higher =p
MY goodness, what a problem!!!! It was a hook that you stuck between your legs, with an elastic band and it adapted from person to person and it pulled you up!!! You had to get on the snowboard and balance yourself as it pulled you along. HAUhauHUAHah yeah I did it... yeah... uhum...
For Gabriel, who is already a surfer, skateboarder and so on, it was super easy, he went up filming and everything, Felipe had a hard time the first time but then he got into it... and ME??? HUAHuahuaHa first time... I went up and fell at the start!!! I finished the ramp on foot. EXHAUSTED because it was MOOOO uphill... I just screwed myself, my goodness...
Come on, I tried again... and? HAUHAUHAUAHUHA I got off balance and PUFTTT my ass hit the ground HAuhauhauhauha I was carried up the stairs with ice running down my pants hauhauhauhaauha all crooked...
I didn't want to have to use my feet again to climb up, it was too much ground hauhauhauahuah so that's how I managed to go... and after that... EVERY time was like this... since the smart girl here couldn't balance herself to climb up properly lol.
Ahh my butt was almost numb, every time I climbed up I got more ice through my pants hauahuahuaha but it was easy in the end =p I was really hot lol

By the second descent I was feeling better, and I went down bigger and bigger chunks until I hit the ice on my butt...
I kept trying until, on one of the descents, the foot lock came off! And I fell rolling on the ice!
Imagine, you're going downhill... then your foot gets loose and you go ROLANNNDOOO on the ice ugly hauhauahuaha and you end up lying on the ice laughing too much!!!
After a few minutes, I pulled myself together and went back down, but my exhaustion was already showing lol From there, I only went down one more time...on the last descent, I was exhausted, snow is tiring, okay? So I fell more than anything, rolled on the ground and so on. I got up and fell down at the same time... I realized that it was time to stop and that it was already late! It was only 30 minutes until the time the driver had set for us to return.
Marcondes was already lying on the bench with pain in his ribs, he stopped trying anything in the middle because he was in so much pain.
We got on the bus, Marcondes got on a bench all stretched out because he was sick with pain and in the middle of the descent a woman vomited TWICE, leaving a very bad smell in the mini bus, lol LUCKILY Gabriel and I were in the front seat and the smell didn't get to us so much lol
At the second vomit, the desperate driver stopped and said
We got on the bus, Marcondes got on a bench all stretched out because he was sick with pain and in the middle of the descent a woman vomited TWICE, leaving a very bad smell in the mini bus, lol LUCKILY Gabriel and I were in the front seat and the smell didn't get to us so much lol
At the second vomit, the desperate driver stopped and said
HAUhaUHAuah poor thing, the car was filthy with vomit! Not to mention that when we arrived, we saw the damage and the smell.
We also found out that there was another girl with problems, she had torn a ligament in her leg in a fall and we were thankful to be in one piece lol and without any bruises, except for Marcondes and his dislocated rib lol... Yeah guys, snow and skiing aren't that easy... lol
Hummmm the hunger was VERY strong and so was the tiredness!!! We made our way through the subway towards the Hotel...
But it's not all flowers... at the door of the hotel there were those lovely cars DROPPING WATER ON EVERYONE AGAIN... What now? How to get in?
4 Responses
Já que você tomou um cacetão de tombos nessa parte da viagem e não tem UM filme mostrando os melhores (cair sentada não vale pois não tem graça! Rs), fico na esperança que no seu 2ª round contra os Zé Gotinhas Chilenos tenha alguma emoção filmada! hehehe
Temmmm um filme simmm!
Parabéns pelo blog e pela divulgações das suas experiências de viagem.
O seu divertido e bem estruturado relato nos permite de alguma forma viajar também.
Muito bom o blog.
André Nóbrega.
Muito obrigada André =D