Another morning arrived, and a beautiful sunrise! We woke up refreshed and ready to enjoy a busy day!!! A fateful day, voting! And me far from my Rio, how do you do it? Ahhh let's justify it, shall we? I really wanted to vote, but it was the only day I could travel! I felt calmer, after my friends told me who they would vote for... it would be a toss up, they would vote for one person and I would vote for another, so we canceled and nothing changed ^^ in the end everything turned out fine...
We had breakfast, put on our swimsuits and went to the nearest school to justify our votes! We didn't have to queue and in 5 minutes everyone was registered, aeee and
now i know how to do it uhull o/
Go, go praiaa!!!! We took the Bugre and went to Barreirinhas to eat crab hmmm ai ai
ai... huge and delicious ... It was a shack/restaurant at the foot of the beach, with hammocks at every table and a few chairs... place
more than pleasant with the water lapping at our feet... and the thought far away... The simple life is very nice, isn't it? Small things really do make a difference and with every breath of wind on my face there's an inexplicable feeling of happiness.
It's been a long time since I've eaten crab... a long time... so long that I couldn't even remember how to break the meat... My friends gave it to me
and I was the happiest girl in the world, like a child sloshing around in mud after school.
no worries about getting dirty! He broke every paw and retained that succulent meat, I remember
the taste of just writing these words and the saliva
I almost jumped out of my mouth =p , it really was a laborious process for so little meat, but it was worth every taste!!! We ended up with a
bucket full in a very short time!!! I ate more than 4 and not even
I realized, it went by so fast =p
Fed and happy, what are we going to do? It was close to lunchtime. Hihihi I'm a foodie? No. Imagine! I took a few photos of the place, I got a good shot! Exotic landscape with cozy tents/restaurants, which were already making me homesick!!! Ahhh we headed back home, where Toinha had made a delicious lunch and was waiting for us! Chicken disguised as rabbit. HAUhauha she said that she had made a rabbit recipe, but had used chicken and that they tasted similar so there was no problem! And indeed it was delicious, with a cabbage in soy sauce that was divine... I love to eat and I love trying out new recipes.
Gastronomic experiences aside, there were still plenty of beaches to visit!!! We went
so off with the humble Bugre to Maceió beach... another practically deserted beach... We ran to a point where there was a tent belonging to an Italian who encouraged kitesurfing there! His work was really cool! He worked in Europe for a few months, collected some money and then went back to his hut and did his work here!!! He took care of the children's studies, encouraged the sport, got the place up and running and then when he thought his work there had already had an effect,
I loved his idea and was very happy to see that there are still people who want to change the world ^^
My friend did a bit of kiting, Bel and I stayed on the sand chatting and after a while he got out of the water, the weather was very strange, the wind was very strong and that got in the way a bit.
little in the way of sport! I enjoyed a bit of that beach
delicious, I lay down for a while in the hammock in the tent
kitesurfing and
we went to a kiosk further on to drink some water and watch the sunset =) The majestic sun is always beautiful when it sets, but it always surprises with its extreme beauty =D I would live to see and see the sunset again, thousands of times in one day, it makes us reflect and invigorates us 😉
The sun was gone and the moon rose, beautiful and shy, not much more than a smile, not round and full, but its beauty was not far behind... We went home under the moonlight 🙂 We got changed, took a long shower, I only showered cold at this point!!! It was so hot that the cold water in the shower was hot!!! We changed, Bel picked up her bags ;*( and we went to eat pizza...
As it was election day, the city came to a standstill!!! We sat down in a pizzeria where there was only one waiter... and what a slow waiter... soft and boring hehehe... Bel, the toughest mineira I've ever met... got up and went to order herself... since the service was rubbish... and only that birosca was working !!! She ordered pizza and drinks. The town was so dead that there were only two people working in the whole pizzeria... the owner (who at that moment was the cook) and that soft waiter !!! The service was really bad and slow... and in a few hours Bel would be leaving for Fortaleza, as he had to work the next day =( so we didn't have much choice of places to eat!!!
After a few hours ... the waiter arrived with the plates, dumped them on the table and had the nerve to say ... "Look, can you pass the plates? There are a lot of people and I'm working alone today!" He turned his back and walked away... what can you do? Ahh standing at the counter looking at yesterday!!! HUAHUHAUHA The people at the table couldn't believe it, but that was all we had for the moment. Shortly afterwards the pizza arrived, with the WRONG flavor hauahuahau we didn't believe it and when we went to say... look it's not that flavor... the waiter was very solicitous and said... The kitchen has closed, so you'd better stick with this one, otherwise you won't have any hauhauahuahauhauha.... We were even more surprised... but most of the crowd ate it anyway... after all, if you don't have a dog, hunt like a cat...
Tadinha da Bel... the flavor that came she couldn't eat, because it was bleu, she was really sick... and she still had to go all night to Fortaleza... so she went hungry =( and malnourished poor thing =( we left her at the bus station and went home... to sleep since the next day would be the busiest of all...
Second season TV travel show - Travel Box Brazil
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide