Laísa's arrival in Brasilia.

Laísa Brasília

I landed... and Thiago was already there waiting for me... looking like he wanted to see Laísa straight away!!! My plane was circling the airport for a long time, up there! The flow of aircraft was really high... and this delayed my arrival a little...
But thank God I arrived safely! As soon as the aircraft doors opened... my cell phone rang... it was Laísa... she hadn't left Rio yet!!! Jesus... what a delay! But she was already on the plane and in her seat 😉
I soon found Thiago and gave him the warm news... he thought it would be better if we went to his house... to eat and then come back for Laísa, as she would be a couple of hours away...
We went to the car, I threw the suitcase in... and we drove home...
I arrived and met his mother, who already had dinner ready... waiting for us... and we set off to eat... Wow, what a delicious stroganoff... humm with straw potatoes, just the way I like them... HUAHUHa Thiago, a monster, ate a lot and even said... I'm very hungover... very nauseous... I'm eating very little! Hauhauh his little bit scared me... imagine how much ahuahuahauha =)
I put my suitcase in the bedroom... watched a bit of TV, while he got ready... because he'd picked me up straight from training... and I wanted to be more presentable for Laísa's arrival....
Everyone ready? Let's go back to the airport.
We arrived... but where was the parking space? There was a disabled parking space in front of the airport exit... so ... Thiaog was very abusive.
-Hey! Are you handicapped?
- No...
- So can you please leave? I'm disabled... and I need to stop...
Heavens... what an abusive guy... in the end he stopped. He saw that it was going to take a while... and ended up parking further on... since he could only stop there...
We got out of the car and walked around the airport, as I'd left straight to his house...
Soon a message arrived. CHEGUEIIII I want to party !!!
We went downstairs, waited a few minutes and then she left, happy and content. AEEEEEE I'M HOME!!! You didn't think I was coming, did you?
Hallelujah! Brothers! Yup... and it was almost midnight... =(
We went home and left everything... she settled in... and laziness took over...
My cousins were going to have a party on the same day... for the freshmen at UNB =( but it was too late for us to get ready and go... so we preferred to stay at home and go to sleep "early", since the next day we would wake up very early to go to a lake there...
So... off to bed...
The next day the real journey would begin... =D

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And the vacations are here!

Supermarket in Amsterdam -

Arubinha - Rio de Janeiro.

Arubinha - Rio de Janeiro.

The Blessed - Salvador Carnival.

Carnival in Salvador.

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