Bridges around the world.

Looking at bridges

Not only are bridges beautiful, they also connect places, and what would we travelers be without them? An incredible invention that becomes even more beautiful when people decide to make real works of art with them!

I've been around a lot and even though I don't know much about architecture or anything like that, I'm enchanted by their shapes and they end up being part of my photo albums.

I've seen all kinds of bridges out there, rustic, modern, made of wood, wire, logs and many other materials, and for me they all had the same value: they made the landscape even more beautiful with the sun finishing them off or simply with lighting that made everything magical! I saw bridges that were thousands of years old, and others that had just been built! Bridges that connected very important places to even more important ones, and others that didn't connect much but had their uses.

Brasília DF JK Bridge

Throughout my travels, I always end up paying more attention to certain things, but I never realized the real value of bridges, or how much I loved them. I noticed this when I stopped to look at my travel photos and discovered that I have a lot of bridge photos! I was surprised and remembered how beautiful they were, and even took a closer look at some of the ones I had photographed.

Reminiscing about trips is great and even better when you discover a new passion. Have you ever felt like that? Have you come back from a trip discovering something new that is now part of your world? Bridges have earned a special place in my memories and, of course, in my photo albums. Who knows, maybe I'll discover a passion on my next trip.

What do you notice when you go out?


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