Trinidad - The way.

The start of the journey.

Holidays coming up and a crazy desire to travel! It had been about 50 days since it rained in Rio de Janeiro and the sun was getting hotter and hotter!
Perfect weather plus holiday just like bora viajar!
I saw everything, got organized, called a bunch of people and finally I was going back to Ibitipoca!!! Uhhhulllllll, me and 9 other people camping, awesome! Everything was fine, trails planned, camping and prices seen, we would leave at dawn from Friday to Saturday to save a night's stay, because arriving at night would only be to spend more.
The countdown was on and every day people got more excited, until... of course something would happen!
Lightning, thunder and all that with lots of rain on Thursday night!!! POXAAAA, FIFTY DAYS WITHOUT RAIN, I book a trip and puft! Potato, rain with the arrival of a cold front and the worst forecast in the world for Ibitipoca.
The people who were going were very discouraged about it, then Friday came and the weather improved, humm can we do it?
Even though the weather was improving, the forecast wasn't good and traveling for hours to be locked inside the tent wouldn't be nice, not to mention the fact that rivers/waterfalls and rain don't go together.
And so, in the middle of Friday, 10 people started discussing where to go and what to do, until the idea of Trindade came up!
Wow, that's a good idea! It's on the other side and there's a beach as well as a waterfall, so we'd have more things to do.
We got organized and at 6 a.m. on Saturday morning we were leaving for our trip! Or at least that's what we hoped.
Between waking up, meeting up with the guys and actually leaving, it was already 7 o'clock, we were still going to fill up and continue for hours.
Want to know how to get there? Click here and see this and other tips

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We made two stops on the road and arrived in Trindade at noon, with no traffic!
Contrary to what we had imagined, the city was LOUD! I thought that as it was a holiday only in Rio de Janeiro, it would be quieter, but no, everything was full and expensive! Camping charging R$ 40,00 that's right QUARENTA REAIS, plus a small trifle of R$ 20,00 to stop the car, you didn't read it wrong and it wasn't a hostel or a room, it was camping! Sinister inflation, right? And what's more, everything was full with signs saying there were no spaces.
Of course, that price was R$urReal, so we just kept walking through the alleyways of the town, until we found a well-hidden but nice little place with hot water, a kitchen and everything, for R$ 25.00 and no parking, so yes! The name of the campsite was Alto Astral, very good! Shall we pitch the tent?

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Yes, I want to put on my bikini and dive right away!
In no time at all, everything was packed, bikinis were on and it was hot and sunny - all the predictions had gone against us, uffa.
Would you like to get to know the place? Come along!

Trindade tips click here.

Are you curious and want to know a little more about this adventure? I'll tell you all about it in the next post, but in the meantime I'll leave you with a video summary of everything so you can travel with me.

[xt_video type="youtube" clip_id="rvbVSibjB0g"]
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And the vacations are here!

Supermarket in Amsterdam -

Arubinha - Rio de Janeiro.

Arubinha - Rio de Janeiro.

The Blessed - Salvador Carnival.

Carnival in Salvador.

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