Where to eat in Búzios.

The delights of a very trendy and sophisticated city.

Expedia Brasil challenged me to discuss the gastronomic options in Búzios.
As much of a foodie as I am, this won't be a difficult task! I've tried a lot of delicious things around town and now I'm going to share the best with you.

[small_header]Porto da Barra - Restaurant Entre Amigos [/small_header]

It's the best place to enjoy a beautiful sunset, it has a vast list of restaurants, each one better than the last, you can even choose by following the scent that pleases you the most, just like a cartoon, you know! It's mouth-watering. Right from the start, you can see the cozy and comfortable atmosphere, a great place to spend the evening and end the day on a high note!
Among them, "Entre Amigos" deserves a mention, even though it doesn't have a privileged view of the famous sunset. Its colorful décor, with balloons of all kinds scattered around the restaurant, and the warm, informal atmosphere are all eye-catchers, as well as the wonderful pasta - even the dessert is made of pasta.
For my main course, I chose Cambozola with pistachios, a delicious blend of French camermbert and Italian gorgonzola. I love cheese and I'm suspicious, but I really enjoyed it!
For dessert, my choice was the chocolate with red fruits, a curious chocolate pastry filled with red fruits, accompanied by cream ice cream, very different, isn't it?
Av. Jose Bento Ribeiro Dantas, 2900 - Manguinhos, Armação dos Búzios - RJ, 28950-000 (21) 2529-2731
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Right in the hustle and bustle of the city center, Cervejaria Noi is very well represented in Búzios, and it's hard to say which is better, its award-winning craft beers and draft beers or the dishes that harmonize perfectly with the Brazilian's favorite drink.
There are several options, ranging from wonderful lobsters to wonderfully well-served executive dishes, all at an excellent price. I tried the chorizo steak with piemontese rice and caesar salad, very good! Of course accompanied by a Noi Avena Belgian Pale Ale.
Rua Manoel Turíbio de Farias, 110 - Centro, Armação dos Búzios - RJ (21) 2709-3939

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[small_header]Rocka Beach Lounge & Restaurant, Búzios.[/small_header]

Rocka is a beach club located on Praia Brava, right in front of the sea and with a privileged view!
You can relax on the wonderful sun loungers strategically positioned to watch the waves of the Brava, which makes the atmosphere much more romantic with the sound of the sea for couples in love!
The tip is to enjoy the sunset and taste one of the champagnes on offer at a great price. Among the options for a different kind of lunch, I decided to try the Arraial Squid with confit baroa potatoes, yam foam, leeks and crunchy black rice, and I can say that I was right! One of the most beautiful and delicious dishes I've ever enjoyed, the care taken from the presentation to the unparalleled taste is incredible! Last but not least, the Belgian chocolate Savarin Couland with saffron and orange ice cream, hummmm what a delight!
Praia Brava, 13, Armação dos Búzios - RJ, 28950-000, Brazil 22 2623-6159

rocka beach lounge & restaurant Buzios cris pelo mundo cris stilben 2 (2)

[small_header]Silk Beach Club[/small_header] The Silk Beach Club is also in Praia Brava, but it's aimed at the younger and livelier crowd, with lots of good music on its dance floor, swimming pool and excitement!
In addition to delicious sushi and drinks to match, the tip is to enjoy the "sunset" and let the tide of the waves carry you along, as the party has no time to end.
Rua 17 Quadra 1 Lote 14 - Praia Brava, Armação dos Búzios - RJ, 28950-000, Brazil 22 2623-3083

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[small_header]Club La Plage.[/small_header] Club La Plage is also another interesting option facing the sea in João Fernandes. The structure is attached to the hotel, but the restaurant is open to the public with a good variety in its buffet served at a fixed price. Its highlight is certainly its location and structure, as well as being a good option that appeals to both Greeks and Trojans.

Rua Praia de João - João Fernandes, Armação dos Búzios - RJ, 28950-000, Brazil 22 2623-7554

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[small_header]Chez Michou.[/small_header]

To go to Búzios and not dine at Chez Michou is a crime, the traditional Búzios creperie is a must! Located on Rua das Pedras, it's the meeting point for Búzios' nightlife. Even if you're not interested in all the hype, having dinner or a snack there is invigorating and guarantees a good experience with crepes of all flavors.
It's worth noting that the house doesn't accept any form of payment other than cash, and you'll have to prepare yourself for long queues, especially after 10pm.
Bardot waterfront

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In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the center, but not so much, Olra Bardot is perfect for couples to stroll along its promenade, enjoying a beautiful evening or night with a full moon. The street is full of good gastronomic options. There's no shortage of welcoming venues for all types of music and tastes. It's hard to even choose the best one, so my tip is to follow your intuition, choose and relax, there's no mistake and I'd venture to say that it's impossible not to have a phenomenal experience.

In a city as differentiated and sophisticated as Búzios, it's difficult to really choose the best options.
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