Paris tips! And the start of the vacations.

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Let's start with some tips on Paris and the things I found interesting during my three days there

  •  Transport from Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport to the center:
    There are a few options and the best ones are either by  TRAIN that integrates with the metro or by bus, I've put the link to both modes for you, there are hourly prices, which makes it easier to choose.
  • This link HERE has metro prices and very good information, even about the city itself.
  • PARIS VISITE is a metro option that lets you travel for the day for a fixed price, or for more days for a higher price, you can also choose the zones you want to travel through on the day and pay more or less for this pass, not to mention that they also give you a map of the city on the metro with various discounts around the city =p which is very interesting 😉
  • One word you'll see a lot on the subways or trains in Paris is sortie, which means exit... the subway is all connected and once you get the hang of it it's quite easy lol to get anywhere in the city with it.
  • The sights aren't too far away, I took the pass for zones 1 to 3 and it was more than useful! The only day I didn't do this was when I went to Versailles
  • Transportation to Versailles is also very easy, you don't need to buy a package to go there, although it's a bit far from the city center, the train does it easily.
  • The only problem I had was buying the tickets at Versailles! I spent THREE hours in the queue, which is really long, not to mention that there are two queues, one to buy the ticket and one to get in, so if you're going with someone else and you can't buy the tickets beforehand, leave someone in the palace queue and go to the other one to buy the ticket.
  • In SITE has information on the place with prices =) I took the package that included the Palace (museum) with the gardens and Trianon the petit and the Grand , I paid 25 euros for all three, but if you don't like museums and beautiful works of art, you should be VERY happy with the garden, which is only 8 euros!
  • One place you can't miss is the palace garden! It's something out of this world and it's not expensive, 8 euros is well worth it, the garden is very large and don't go thinking you'll only spend an hour in it, that's impossible, the place is enchanting and gigantic!
  • If you're short of time and don't fancy queuing, you can cut out the hassle by going straight to the gardens, where you can buy a ticket directly at the entrance, but if you want to see the palace and the Grand Trianon and the Petit, you'll end up paying more for a separate ticket.
  • If you want to save money on food, a good tip is that lunch is cheaper than dinner, even if it's the same dish! You can get good prices for starters, main courses and desserts, but that's only for lunch, not to mention that I've come across places that charge a minimum price per person for dinner.
  • The service is difficult! You have to wait a VERY long time to be attended to, and they do it as if it were a favor, there were very few places where the staff was friendly, I only saw it on the Champs-Élusées
  • The place I found coolest for younger people, especially to stay (much cheaper) is near the Moulin Rouge, many say it's dangerous but I didn't see anything too bad and it's also near the Sacré-Coeur, a beautiful basilica where young people hang out on the steps singing, drinking and having fun, not to mention the alleys near the basilica, which are very tidy, beautiful and with lots of souvenir stores that are generally cheaper.
  • I found out that they say that everything is far away and you need the metro or a taxi, even though it's only a 10-minute walk... ( or I just wasn't lucky enough to meet more active people =p )

Bommmm I don't remember if I forgot anything hihihi, but ask and comment and I'll tell you and give you tips =p

Now the start of it all =p

Finally a vacation! And what will I do? I thought, I searched and, for a change, everything was decided at short notice,
I was on vacation on July 1st, but I only decided where to start on the 5th and I traveled on the 7th =p
Of course, nothing can be so easy, right? Exactly 5 days before the trip, on July 2nd, I had a problem with my foot, my heel couldn't touch the ground, and the reason? God knows, I went to the doctors, had a thousand tests and theoretically everything was fine, but who said my foot would let me walk? I took injections, medication and a lot of rest, my foot got a bit better, and even though I knew I'd be walking a lot... it was out of the question for me to miss the trip because of unbearable pain... let alone stop walking there hehehehe, I let fate take care of everything and I knew that one day everything would work out, I just had no idea what time that would be... without much certainty (and without a hotel) I embarked anyway and with a lot of anti-inflammatories in my bag hehehehe
The only thing I knew for sure was that on the 15th I had to be in Civitavecchia (Italy) for the Mediterranean cruise, so everything went wrong... at least on the 15th I HAD to be there, after all, the cruise was already paid for...
The plan was to be in Rome at least two days beforehand to see something there too...
Okay, so in theory, I'll leave Rio on the 7th and go to Paris, at least on the 12th I'll be in Rome, and in between I don't know, on the 22nd I'll go back to Rome and I don't know what else to do either... all I know is that I'll end the trip in London... I just don't know the day either... great!

Let's go =) I embarked with aching feet, with my lens forgotten at home and with several doubts as to whether traveling was really the right thing to do, since several things indicated that it wasn't, especially having forgotten Nikon's 70 300 mm lens =( I only went with the 18 55 =/
The trip was very uncomfortable, I couldn't find a position because my foot hurt in every way and to top it all off! the TV that plays movies on the plane was out, it only started working 3 hours before we landed, and enduring 11 hours of flight with almost nothing to entertain you is a bitch! But that's what happened.
We arrived in Paris and immigration looked at us and stamped us in, there wasn't a single question, it was late afternoon, we didn't have a hotel, we didn't know how to swim and we were clueless hahahaha
The tourist information office at the airport didn't help us at all, but at least it showed us where to catch the train to the city center, which by the way was very expensive =/ (so many euros)
We took the train to the center with our suitcases (luckily I travel light), we decided to go near the Tower, the train integrates with the metro and so we jumped off and saw the beautiful tower =) it's half the size I imagined, but it's still beautiful hehehe
We took a few photos, looking sleepy and exhausted, and then asked the guard where the right street was (we had some addresses with hotels, but no reservations or choices...) and he told us that it was far away and we needed to take the metro to get there....
the weather was pretty bad... and it drizzled sometimes... but it didn't dampen our spirits... we kept going, strong and steady
We ignored his information, even though we had a suitcase, and walked away hehehehe The first hotel we found was less than 200 m from the tower, but unfortunately it was full, but we used their wi fi, with permission of course, the girl at reception was very friendly and even showed us how to get to the next hotel on our list, it was about 500 m from there (this was the place the guard had said was far ¬¬) and that's what we ended up staying at, the tower could be seen from the balcony of my room and it really wasn't far at all, it would have been more of a hassle to take the subway, which we would have had to change, than to walk to the place.. no laziness... lol
By this time my foot was roaring with pain, so I left my things in the room and went straight for a hot bath, which was what saved me =) I was 70% better and VERY hungry! And super curious to get to know the city.
Iupi, clothes changed, off to the city! Even with bad weather =/ and dark and aching feet hehehehe



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And the vacations are here!

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