Supermarket in Amsterdam -


Local culture and cute gifts

I love visiting supermarkets around the world, and not just to save money on my trip, but also to get a feel for the local culture. Obviously, the supermarkets in Amsterdam wouldn't be left out, right?
Okay, Amsterdam isn't one of those places where you'll find a supermarket on every corner, in fact there are quite a few in the more touristy areas, but run away from them! They're super expensive and even the water is absurdly priced, so walk around a bit more and look for a supermarket in Amsterdam, which aren't actually that super... lol

Anyone who travels with children knows how much a market makes a difference and that's also why I decided to write about supermarkets in Amsterdam.


What's more, this is a theme I love. Even before I traveled with my son, I already included supermarkets in my itinerary. It's a way of feeling more integrated into the local community and I get to know a little more about the customs and culture.


Now don't go thinking that you're going to find hypermarkets in Amsterdam or anything like that, the most I found were markets, which for them are already supermarkets in Amsterdam. Something imaginable, the central area of Amsterdam isn't one of the biggest, so I certainly wouldn't have found anything that big.

Supermarket chains in Amsterdam

Albert Heijn

I'll start by talking about what I liked best, we only shopped there. I liked the variety of products and the prices, as well as the fact that it's the most popular in the city. There's even one at Schiphol Airport! A real hand in the wheel.

Market Schiphol Airport Fly KLM

In addition to the traditional, there is also the Albert To Go option, which are smaller stores for any time.

Another thing that made us choose this market was that it is completely Dutch and if we wanted to feel the Netherlands, it couldn't be better.


On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand... I sometimes had to use the translator on my cell phone, because everything is literally in Dutch, even the product descriptions.

Another good tip is to look for souvenirs, we found some cute little gift options on Albert. I love decorative tins, they're useful souvenirs too =) Many of them have a Dutch theme, not to mention the tins of Stroopwafel, the traditional Dutch cookies that I LOVE!



Lidl is a German supermarket brand that also exists in Portugal. The prices are usually lower, but the variety is much smaller.

A must at this market is the bread and croissants.

As I've already said, it's difficult to find variety in this market, but Lidl's own brand products are very good.

Cool/ Aldi/ Deen/ Jumbo and others

There are several supermarket options in Amsterdam, but we didn't visit them. I've only heard that Aldi is more like Lidl and Coop and Deen are more like Albert.

Deen is also Dutch and has slightly better prices than Albert, famous for its everything for 1 euro section.

At Jumbo, there are even unusual things, like insects! Are you brave enough?

Culture and differences

Plastic bags are usually charged for in Europe, and in the Netherlands this is no different.
The tip is to buy an ecobag and carry it in your bag at all times, or just buy it until it fits in your backpack.
Or you'll spend a few more cents buying bags.


The trolleys are also released when you put a coin in them, but don't worry, when you return the trolley the same coin will be available for you to pick up. Some markets offer plastic coins to release the trolley if there are no coins.


Ahhh! Very importantly, don't forget to put the bar on the cashier's belt, it's used to separate your purchases from the person in front. This really annoys the Europeans and when it's not done, it's seen as bad manners.

Difficulties we encountered in supermarkets in Amsterdam

Well, as I said, we chose Albert and it's all in Dutch, and when I say all, I mean all! From the market notices to the description on the products themselves.

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A lot of things we bought on the spot, others we had to use the translator, but that wasn't a huge problem.

What I liked most about the supermarket in Amsterdam

I just loved being able to buy little gifts at the market! That's right, as I've already mentioned, Albert has a lot of cute things that can be used as gifts.

Cookie boxes with Amsterdam written on them, cup holders and even magnets! But you won't find these treats in every unit, I found them in the Albert near the OBA library. In more touristy areas, of course.

We also indulged in the stroopwafel that was part of all our outings.
We always buy a few treats to snack on between walks. After all, since we were in the home of these delicacies, we took advantage of it!

On this trip we didn't eat many meals in the markets, we used them more for snacks.

Well, I loved the supermarket in Amsterdam and if I could I'd bring a whole suitcase of cookies and gifts.

Rota Amsterdam offers tourism for Brazilians in the Netherlands. They are Brazilian Guides in Amsterdam and run various tours in Portuguese. Tours on foot, by bike, boat or car. If you tell them you've come via our blog, you'll get a discount of 5 %! Just put the name 'Crispelomundo' in the "partner discount" tab when asking for a quote and you'll get a discount on any tour!
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And the vacations are here!

Supermarket in Amsterdam -

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