Adventure tourism in Praia do Forte.


A refuge near Salvador, Praia do Forte is becoming increasingly popular for its natural beauty and adventure tourism - after all, who doesn't like an extra adrenaline rush?
This time our adventures were taken care of by Portomar, an agency that offers tours for the most diverse tastes, from fishing and family outings to quad bikes with the right to a zip line or perhaps a parasail flight, with a panoramic view of the region, but unfortunately this will be left for next time, since due to the low season the speedboat was out of service. =(
And because they really think of everyone, they have quad bikes adapted for paraplegics, I really like it when a company is conscious, it's impossible not to like it, right?

adventure tourism portomar praia do forte crispelomundo cris stilben (8)

So, off we go on a tour of the Sapiranga reserve to the zip line at Aldeia Trip, motorized by powerful 420 cc Honda quad bikes, how dangerous is that?! lol... The Sapiranga Ecological Reserve has almost 600 hectares of Atlantic Forest in its secondary stage, and is home to several species of flowers, plants and animals, with plenty of water. It is also possible to tour the reserve on foot, by bike or on horseback.

Portomar's staff are properly trained so that everything goes as expected and no one goes out riding without demonstrating their aptitude in a small test circuit before the trail, so let's go! I can tell you that it's very easy, I was scared at first, but they put us at ease, accompanying us the whole way with a motorcycle right in front of us to guide us to the zip line.

adventure tourism portomar praia do forte crispelomundo cris stilben (2)

I really enjoyed it, as it had rained the day before, so we had a lot of mud, which made the ride a lot more fun! We enjoyed the scenery and ended up on the zip line! Uhull time for more adrenaline.

Starting at a tower about 20 meters high, the zip line has two routes, one 180 and the other 240 meters!


As soon as we arrived at the starting tower, the guys gave us all the necessary instructions and we put on our safety equipment. At this point my legs started shaking, I'm terrified of heights, but I'm also very fond of zip-lining, go figure! So I used the trick of going up without looking down and kept looking at the horizon until I sat down in the zip line chair and enjoyed it demmmmaaaiiiisss! Uhuuulll I crossed two municipalities, Mata de São João and Camaçari, which are divided by the Pojuca River.

adventure tourism portomar praia do forte crispelomundo cris stilben (4)

The view is breathtaking, can you do it again? I didn't have time to contemplate the landscape, it all happened too quickly, I want to go back! Iiihhh this time it was bad. Normally there's another way back, when I'd have a taste of what I wanted, but it had rained too much, the river was absurdly high and the way back was impossible, damn it!

The way back was by canoe, which is also fun, and this time we were able to get a sense of how high the river was, in the middle of the way we saw a tree that normally stays out of the water on a small island, and we could only see its top! Not to mention the very strong current.

adventure tourism portomar praia do forte crispelomundo cris stilben (6)

On normal days, it's possible to take a dip in the waters of the river, and the place also offers toilets. I really liked the structure, but it was time to go back, and as I was driving, I swapped with Igor so that the two of us could enjoy everything to the full!
Are you brave enough to take the plunge?

Their store is on Rua da Aurora 1, Praia do Forte, right on the corner and with a big sign, easy to find.

adventure tourism portomar praia do forte crispelomundo cris stilben (1)

Useful information

Address: Praia do Forte - BA
Phone: (71) 3676-0101

Be sure to read

Where to stay in Praia do Forte
Tamar Project and Garcia D'Ávila Castle

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