Ahhhh another trip!!! I haven't been to Brasilia for a long time!!! I haven't set foot in this land since 2006!!! I was dying of nostalgia for this place!!! So I decided, together with a friend, to go on a Friday and come back early Tuesday morning =) because I work =( lol.
In 2006 I spent 22 days in this beautiful city and I've missed it ever since!!!
A lot of people don't like Brasilia, my friend who went with me didn't like it either... but I'm completely in love with everything and loved every bit of it!!! And she went with me, with a promise that I'd change her mind about the place and she'd come back to Rio wanting to go back to Brasília! o/ I wonder if I'll manage it ;)? lol
Well... the journey has begun...
And of course it had to start with a lot of emotion, especially as it's the last one before the year ends =)... I'm writing this beginning on the plane...
Two hours before the flight I left the house, believing I had time to spare, I had already checked in electronically and so on
An hour later... I'm still in the middle of the road!!! Rio de Janeiro was a knot, and my head was even more so, I couldn't understand the traffic... it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon and everything was stuck!!! I was getting very nervous.
I called Laísa and told her that I was afraid of missing my flight, that there was a lot of traffic and the car almost didn't move... I asked her where she was and she said that she was almost leaving the bridge.... I said... Well then, I'll meet you at the boarding gate, wait for me there!
But I turn off my cell phone and start thinking.
Dude... she said bridge... PERA AÍ.... it can only be the bridge on Ilha do Governador, near the airport... It's not going to be the PONTE RIO NITERÓI, right? Because if it is... it's gone, it'll never arrive... HOLY SHIT. Only forty minutes to go until the flight!!!
I called again.
Where are you? Leaving the bridge! WHAT BRIDGE, THE RIVER? É!!! PQP, there's a lot of traffic on the red line, you're not going to make it!!! Oh my God... yes, let's hope...
Bosta!!!!!!!!! And me stuck in traffic THINKING I wasn't going to make it and Laísa stuck in traffic SURE I wasn't going to make it!
We spoke again and she asked me to check the fees and the next flights.
I arrived at the airport thirty minutes before the flight left! Luckily, all I had to do was send my bags. I picked up my bags, got in line and that was it... I was ready to board. But where was Laísa? Of course it wasn't going to be that easy! How was everything going to work out so well?
On my last plane trip, it was a hassle to leave... I got to the airport and the plane wasn't even there... hauhauha I had to go back home and everything... to go at night! Why should it be so easy this time?
I called there.
Where are you?
Coming down from the bridge FURTHER, FUD*&# , there won't be time!!! My sister's in Fundão, she's going to advance the fees and check out the next flights for me... I'll go on the next one... go on the one we'll meet there.... I've already called Thiago and he'll pick you up and wait for me with you!
Yeah? Do what?
I went to the departure lounge, called whoever I had to call, said goodbye, told Dad everything was fine and got on the plane! I sat down in my seat and my cell phone rang.
Cris, I'm here! I'M HOME!
Womanrrrr, run and talk to someone!!! See if there's time!!! Runeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
At the same time, they ask into the microphone, Is the passenger Laísa there? If so, charge her!
I raised my hand, but there were too many passengers, the flight was really full, with only the seat next to me empty =( because it was Laísa's seat... So it took a while for the flight attendants to get to me.
When they arrived, they asked straight away.
Are you Laísa?
No, but she's at the airport, she's checked in, but she hasn't been able to board yet!!!
Ah, ok. I'll check it out then, thanks...
The boy left and I called her.
It's where????
I'm waiting for the elevator! It's not enough!
Oh my God... drop EVERYTHING and run to someone to tell them you're hereiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minutes later... BOARDING CLOSED... the plane doors start to close... and the cell phone rings again...
Crisssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has it left yet? The guy here is saying that the plane has already left...
Noooo the plane has just closed its doors... tell him you've already checked in and you just want to go on this plane... that the bags can come later...!!!!
I'll try... kisses...
We hung up the cell phone and the pilot said... Prepare for take-off... and started walking...
POXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... it's a lot of bad will on their part, she couldn't come with me =(
The plane started to move... and about 300 meters later it was STOPPED for about ten minutes, waiting in a "line of planes" because the air flow was too great =(
So Laísa stayed in Rio and I started the trip before her =(((
The take-off was quiet and solitary, the sky was very cloudy, but we soon passed the clouds and saw the beautiful sea they made in the sky...
Now I'm here, flying around Brazil, with several farms on my feet and having to stop writing, since the in-flight service has started!!! FOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and curious to know if Laísa managed to meet me, change her ticket and pay fees to get on the next flight and arrive two hours after me =(
That's it. EITA! The in-flight service was rubbish... a small peanut that wouldn't even fill a hand... with a glass of soda and a very poor service... which was stopped in a hurry with a stern warning from the pilot to fasten your seatbelts!!! The flight attendant was so nervous that she knocked over a food trolley, if you can call the little piece of crap they gave her food...
GOL used to be much better, but for me it's currently the worst... AZUL beats them all, on national flights, of course! Azul's service really surprised me... I liked it a lot, they were very attentive, gave me all the support I needed, and they also have several "snack" options and they're all personalized... batatinha Azul, guava Azul, cookie Azul and etc.
Now... I don't know why all the fuss about fastening seatbelts, flight attendants hitting passengers with their trolleys and so on... if the plane didn't move at all... or wobble... it wobbled... nothing... nothing.... HUNF...
Anyway, we're going down. Brasiliense soil already, I'm already stepping on you...
Iupiii, uhulll hihihihhi soon more news from Laísa... heehhe Will she arrive???
Going... alone =( |
Laísa's armchair... with no one, but I put a piece of paper to represent =p |
Second season TV travel show - Travel Box Brazil
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