Children's carnival

Children's revelry!

This is my first year as mother at the carnival! And I couldn't leave the revelry aside, after all my little boy has to learn how to samba from a young age, even though I don't know how myself heheehehe.
The actual carnival, the one that appears on the calendar, hasn't arrived yet, but here in Rio de Janeiro the blocos are already partying.
Last weekend we took to the streets with our #bbbytheworld the most beautiful, with costumes and everything!

children's carnival street block crisstilben crispelomundo (3)

The most charming gypsy on the block, we took part in the Bloco da Pracinha in the Botanical Garden, in Praça Pio XI, which turned a decade old this year, with lots of children and a pure atmosphere. funThere are various activities for children and even batuque workshop!

children's carnival street block crisstilben crispelomundo (1)

I thought it was great and mega organized, unlike many adult blocks we see around!
Rio's blocos have grown too big every year and this has made them a bit unbearable, especially in the middle of Carnival, where people really come out in droves to party and this has led to more and more crowds, thefts and confusion, so even before I got pregnant or dreamed of becoming a mother, I was already using the blocos. children's blocks If you're single and really want to get it on, the children's block isn't the best option lol.

children's carnival street block crisstilben crispelomundo (2)

Okay, but what are the little blocks for kids?? Where do I find the schedule?? Here! I'm going to put together a collection of some blocks         that will shake up the children's revelry!
Did you know that the biggest blocos in Rio also have children's versions?

Children's blocks!

Bandinha de Ipanema
It's the children's version of one of Rio's most famous blocos, but the adults only can enter if they have accompanied by a child!
General Osório Square in Ipanema on Monday, February 8th at 4pm.

Largo do Machadinho, but not Lago do Suquinho
Another children's version of a famous bloco in Rio! But the songs are nursery rhymes with a marchinha rhythm!
Largo do Machado Square, Monday, February 8 at 9am.

Both the adult and children's versions take place on the same day, but the times are different! Children in the morning and adults in the afternoon.
Praça Chaim Weizmann, Rua Farani, Botafogo, Sunday, February 7 at 10am.
Tip for adults who want to get away from the hustle and bustle, go and enjoy the intersection of the two!


Cobra Sarada
The block is organized by the Eden school, but in addition to the students, many children have also attended!

Guinle Park, Laranjeiras. Thursday, February 4th at 6pm. TODAY!

Lidinho's Band
A children's version of the Banda do Lido bloco, there's also a masquerade costume parade and entertainers for the little ones!
Lido Square. Rua Ronald de Carvalho, Copacabana. Sunday, February 7th, at 3pm.

Shopping malls have also joined in the fun and are promoting balls!

Shopping center balls!

Rio Design Barra
There will be carnival games with the Bailinho do Pimentinha, featuring the Pimentinha mascot and everything! There will also be giveaways for children.
It takes place from Sunday, February 7 to Monday, February 8 from 10am to 12pm.

Americas Shopping
The party is based on the theme of old Rio, with marchinhas and sambas enredo, as well as characters like Harlequin, Pierrô and Colombina! During the event there will be games with entertainers, painting and the distribution of gifts, all free of charge.
It takes place on Saturday, February 6th until Monday, February 8th from 4pm to 7pm.

Shopping Tijuca
Shopping Tijuca's bailinho will also have various activities, costume workshops, painting, a masquerade costume competition and giveaways!
Better than any year, you'll still have BABY spacewhich guarantees a party for the little ones up to 3 years!
It takes place on Sunday, February 7th from 11am to 2pm.

New America
The party is guaranteed by Salgueiro's Bateria Mirim! The Baile will be promoted by the mascot Tijolinho, which bears his name, Baile do Tijolinho on Sunday. February 7th from 5pm.
But Saturday February 13th, from 5pmThere are also festivities, but the Lira Giants are in charge!

More and more shopping malls are putting on festivities for children, so be sure to check your nearest mall.

So, did you enjoy it? Are you going to jump a lot or have you already jumped? If you have any more tips, don't forget to comment and let's party!!!

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