Exploring a bit more of the Bahamas.

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I kept walking around that paradise! I walked, dived, photographed and was amazed at every step!
The place was more beautiful than I could have imagined, and every moment it got even better! Crystal-clear water, with coral reefs, an incredible ensemble!!! Lots of wonderful fish, the sun was nice and comfortable, the temperature was ideal, the water was refreshing and the sun loungers were perfect! It couldn't have been more relaxing!
Between dives, photos and wanderings, I found a corner that looked just like me! Hammocks in the background, with sun loungers near the water, few people around and a wonderful sea to contemplate! Shallow at the front and deeper at the back! Perfect for both relaxing and swimming! The best!

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I lay in the sun for a while, dived in, pulled the chair into the water! I lay in the hammock! I made myself!
I was like a child in an amusement park, wanting to enjoy everything at once!
It was wonderful! And I wasn't even worried about things, since it was a private island =p of course, as a good Brazilian, I kept one eye open, but it was very peaceful 😉 I could swim and enjoy everything leaving the camera on the chair or near me, without too many neuros =p
It was almost noon and I felt lazy! I went to the hammock to take a nap, but who says I did it right? HAHHA I lay down to take a photo first and went straight to the ground!!!! I sat down wrong and puft butt in the sand HUAhAUha of course I started laughing uncontrollably and the photo came out like this!

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But after a few minutes of giggling, I was back to normal and managed to take some decent photos hehehe the place was wonderful and the view from the hammock was straight out to sea, I lay there for about 20 minutes and then went back to the party hehehe another dip, sunbathing and getting to know more of the island!
While he was sunbathing, Igor went for a swim and when he came back he had some great news!
He almost stepped on a gigantic stingray!!! It was hiding under the sand and when he got close it swam away VERY fast, almost running him over!
I love the sea, but I confess I don't like being surprised by big animals =p
We got up and went for a walk! The island was so beautiful! We came across a beautiful tree that made a perfect backdrop!!! I stopped and took a zillion photos, the background, the tree, the sea all enchanted me more and more!!!

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After a few more photos in the sea, we headed further on until we came across the end of the sand and the beginning of a pile of pebbles, which, passing through them, met up with a bit more sand, so I didn't think twice!
I climbed onto the rocks and went to the other side! It was like a lagoon, with no waves and a little more depth, and I swam there for a long time! I posed, took pictures and stayed there for a long time!
And when I decided to go back to check on lunch, a nice visit! Another stingray came over to talk to me, but it was sure to come out of the water! HAHAHa they're not trained and who knows if they had stingers? I stayed on the rock taking pictures =D Much safer hehehehe
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In a few minutes she hid in the coral and I went to the beginning of the island to see lunch!
But when I arrived... I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT =(
Lunch, which was a barbecue, included at no extra charge! Rsrsrs it was over after 30 minutes! It was from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and it was already 2 p.m.! I was so sad, I wanted to try their barbecue =/ but what can you do? There's not much point in crying, at least I got to know the island and enjoyed it a lot, but I'll eat later!
I grabbed a drink and headed for the crowded part of the island, there was no more time to wander around deserted areas, as the last boat for the cruise left at 4pm.

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As I'm no fool, I grabbed the granola I'd saved and killed some of the hunger that was haunting me =p
I dived a bit more, enjoyed every second that remained, got more sun and the time passed quickly =/ when I saw that people were already filling up the penultimate boat for the cruise, damn!
A bathroom stop, after a soda lol and we're off to the cruise... =(
Ahhhhhww leaving that place was bad! But what made me feel better was that there was still a pool and pizza waiting for me on the ship hehehehe and even more anxious for the next day, to get to know Nassau =D
Not to mention that I wanted to take advantage of the bars, nightclubs and casino on that gigantic ship 😉


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