How to get a passport.


How to get a passport.

We weren't born with a passport in our pocket, right? And sometimes we get confused when it comes to how to get a passport! That's why I've decided to give you a step-by-step guide to make it easier.

1 - Go to the Federal Police website and fill in the electronic form.
2 - A payment slip will then be generated. Don't forget the payment deadline.
3 - Within two or three days of payment, it should be cleared. Once this has happened, you can book an appointment in person at one of the passport offices via the Federal Police website.
4 - On the scheduled day and time, go to the scheduled office, taking proof of the payment slip, a copy of the application and appointment protocol, as well as the original documents requested on the Federal Police website.
5 - After all the procedures have been carried out at the service point, you will receive a protocol to collect your passport.
6 - You must pick it up on the appointed date in person, carrying an identity document. If you are 90 days past the due date, your passport will be annulled.

Children under 18 must be accompanied by their guardians.
For children under 3 years old, you need to bring a recent 5×7 photo, in color and taken on a white background.

Passports are normally valid for 10 years, except for emergency passports and passports for children under 4 years old.

Passport validity for children under 4 years old.

Children from 0 to 1 year are valid for 1 year
Children aged 1 to 2 are valid for 2 years
Children aged 2 to 3 are valid for 3 years
Children aged 3 to 4 are valid for 4 years
Children aged 4 to 18 are valid for 5 years
Passports for people over 18 are valid for 10 years.

There is no such thing as a passport renewal. When your passport expires, you have to go through this process again.



Once you've done everything and you've got the hang of how to get a passport, don't forget that some countries also require a visa!
Don't buy your ticket abroad without first checking whether you need a visa to enter your destination country.
The vast majority of countries do not require a tourist visa for Brazilians, but you do need a valid passport, preferably with at least 6 months to expiry.


Vaccinations are another subject that requires a lot of care! Several times I've been warned about mandatory vaccinations and I've never taken it very seriously.
However, there are countries where you won't even get past the airport gate if you haven't been vaccinated, such as Thailand.
In Thailand, you go through health surveillance even before immigration and the vaccine must have been taken a certain time beforehand.
In Afghanistan, the polio vaccine has to have been taken up to ONE year before! Each country has its own requirements.
So don't mess around and research this item too.

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