Last afternoon in Salvador.

Salvador church Senhor do Bonfim ribbons

Diego has arrived!
Ahhh we ran to his beetle =D hihihi
Destination? First stop? Church of Our Lord of Bonfim! Then we'd go there first!
Diego was driving... and showing us the city... we passed new places... Anderson was talking more, so he took the lead and started talking... there's where Ivete lives... there's I don't know where, here's an avenue etc., Diego was just complementing lol
Salvador 28329 - Cris Around the WorldAs we walked, I was overjoyed! I already recognized the roads well and knew where I was!!! The city was already more than in my head and in my sense of direction hihihi! Of course, I passed places that I had no idea where they were! But luckily I knew which direction the places I knew were in 😉 The city was already more than explored 😉
We've finally arrived!
The church was really beautiful! Very, very beautiful! And the ribbons? All tied to the railings, leaving a beautiful colorful mix!!!

Salvador 1 - Cris Pelo Mundo
Laísa and I had already bought our ribbons at the Mercado Modelo!!! And we each took one to tie and make our requests!!! That was the first thing we did... we picked up our ribbons and immediately tied them together... three requests for each one... Of course I won't tell you... but some of them should be pretty easy to guess hihihihi.
Salvador 281429 - Cris Pelo MundoRequests made... Anderson and Diego sat on the steps of the church and the two of us went inside to bless ourselves 😉
The church wasn't just beautiful on the outside, inside it was really beautiful too! It didn't take us long at all, just time to go in, take a photo and get blessed... and then we left, after all, the kids were waiting for us outside =p
They even wanted to take us to Humaitá... a good place to dive and with a beautiful view....
The clock was ticking... we grabbed our things and set off for Ponta do Humaitá! We parked and left everything in the car. Laísa and I went in just our clothes, we didn't even wear flip-flops. The car was very close to where we were going!

Salvador Bahia 2854029 - Cris Pelo Mundo
The place was beautiful, the view of the sea... with a difference in height! We were much higher than the sea level and this broadened our view of the place! We sat with our feet off the wall, where the water could be seen... but away from it at the same time, due to the height... and we began to see a lot of boys... jumping around as if nothing in life was more important than their enjoyment at the time! It was almost a contest... Who could jump better and in a more different way! We sat right next to them and when they saw that we were there, watching! They started to improve their diving techniques lol
Salvador Bahia 2854429 - Cris Pelo MundoAnderson and Diego watched, until they decided to jump in too... Laísa had already said that she wouldn't go in the water for anything... and I... who don't like water... kept watching to get an idea of when I would jump in... to get out of the water and up to where we were was a bit of a problem... I'm small and I used to be more of a kid... I kept analyzing... until....
Hey, is it deep? Can I dive in anyway? And then help me up?
So, answers given and accepted. I could dive anyway, there were only rocks in certain places that had already been shown to me... and OF COURSE they were going to help me... so...
To innnddooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I stood up, it took about 2 seconds... and it was enough to think... from above it didn't look so alllltooooooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhh putfttt ...
The water was delicious! For a change... I swam a bit, stayed there... and now... I watched the boys jumping from below... their faces were the funniest... as they fell into the water =D
The sun was almost gone... we got out of the water... and it wasn't that complicated... even quick, I'd say 😉
Behind us, there was a fort (what a town to have forts in!), we climbed up to it and photographed the view... it was really beautiful, I didn't want to miss a second of it! We stayed there for about 15 minutes, talking and looking at everything. Until the boys said they wanted to see the sunset from a better spot!
We left and ran to the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) , as I've said before... there's a beautiful beach there and the sunset is absurdly beautiful! But unfortunately it was closed =( it was Monday and they close on Monday =( and we couldn't see anything =(
We went back to the hostel to watch the sunset from there 😉 after all, in the evening we were still going to Pelourinho to enjoy the Afro Parade
Salvador 28629 - Cris Around the WorldWe arrived just in time... the sun was almost trying to hide itself!!! We ran to catch the show it was putting on in the sky... before leaving... after all... it was my last day in the city before leaving =/
Anderson pulled me by the hand and we crossed the street... so as not to miss anything!
What a beautiful sight... the colors... the ball of fire hiding... worthy of applause... and if it hadn't been for Anderson's tug... the photo I took... wouldn't have come out... since as soon as I took it... the Sun shyly hid itself! As if it was just waiting for that moment to say goodbye...
We all went inside and hunted for something to eat... after all, the night was young and there was still so much to do!


Salvador 28329 1 - Cris Pelo Mundo
Salvador 28429 - Cris Around the World
Salvador 281229 - Cris Pelo Mundo
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The sun saying goodbye.
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Salvador 2 - Cris Around the World
Salvador 28229 - Cris Around the World
Salvador Bahia 2852629 - Cris Pelo Mundo
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Ponta do Humaitá
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Salvador Bahia 2853629 - Cris Pelo Mundo
Us in the beetle.
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Salvador 281129 - Cris Pelo Mundo
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P1191383 1 - Cris Around the World
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