As soon as I got on the cruise ship, I saw that the sun was still very strong! So I left my bags in the room and ran to the pool to enjoy the last few minutes of sunshine! After all, early the next morning I was leaving the cruise straight for the airport =(
The pool was full, and Igor wanted to stay on the top floor and sunbathe, so I ended up going and leaving the pool for later, I put my towel over my face and tried to take a nap =) but it didn't last long, soon the cold wind was already bothering me a lot!
So all I had to do was fall into the pool hihihi! I stayed there for a long time! No photos this time! The mood was to enjoy the water and swim a bit =)
After all, it was the last time I was diving on that trip =/
The sun was almost down, and just as I love water, I love pictures of the sun! I ran up to my room! I tried to have a shower, change my clothes and give myself time to go up and get everything from up there, but unfortunately I didn't have time, but there were some beautiful photos from the bedroom window!

Well, since I wasn't going on deck anymore, I got ready for dinner and enjoyed the rest of the cruise! =D Uhuulll!!!
First, to eat... of course! hUHauhUAhuhauha I'm hungry after all! And it was the last dinner of the trip too! =( I don't like saying goodbye to things! HAHahaHhAha
I arrived hungry =p I ordered as usual, my salad, two main courses (gnocchi and fish) and dessert hihihi, a delicious chocolate cake =D all this accompanied by water with lemon juice, baummmmmmm
I was delighted, everything very well done, as usual, nham nham... belly full!
I snooped around the cruise ship, took photos I hadn't taken before and saw the little shops =)
I thought the central part with the elevators was beautiful, and I couldn't resist, sooo.... LOTS of photos =p
Everything there was so beautiful! I was so enchanted and really liked the idea of the cruise =)
From there I went to try and win some more silver at the casino =) I wonder? A perfect farewell!
Let's see, I went to the line machine, nothing... nickel slot... no... er... huh? YESMMMM
Ebaaaaa another 20 dollars! Every sound of those giant coins hitting the machine was a joy! Hello, I won... shall we play some more? Go... what...
I played, I played and the next thing I knew... I'd already spent 5 dollars hehehe, I'd better stop before I lose everything I've won...
I preferred to stay in the black and yup! I got a total of 60 dollars adding up the games from the other days =D very good at it hahahaha
I left there happy and contented, to the bar on the top floor, the place was beautiful, you could see the whole pool floor, and there was even an imitation of the ship's helm =) which I obviously VERY much wanted to take pictures of hauhauahuah
That's what I did, and I confess that I spent a considerable amount of time in that place hehehe, not to mention that halfway through, I was stopped by an American woman who spoke in very fast English, who loved my shoes, I thought it was so surreal ... that out of nowhere! It took me about 2 seconds to look and say thank you hauhauha until I understood what it was =p

I left for the nightclub, but there were photo ideas along the way, more precisely in the elevator, Igor wanted to take a picture with the elevator door almost closed, there were a thousand attempts, and I kept pressing the button to keep the door from closing for good! But in order to get the photo Igor wanted, the door really had to close, and I even commented that if it did, it would end up on I don't know which floor! And that's what happened hauhauha I stopped on the top floor and two Argentinians got into the elevator, and started spouting their Spanish, HOLA... and bla bla bla bla they asked if I spoke Spanish and I said no with my head, until they insisted so much that I spoke, a little and by the time they answered I KNOW, you look like a Latina, the elevator opened with Igor's face staring at the two muchachos hauhauhauhauhauah
Moooriiiiiii of laughter! hahauhauahuah After all, I had warned you that this would happen hauhauhauah
Good next destination, finally a nightclub! =) and with the blessed photo taken!
The nightclub was very busy, with lots of gringos jumping around, because they don't dance, they jump! Hihihihi it's a lot of fun and different from the way we dance =) I stayed for a short while, took the last few photos and the tiredness was already hitting my flesh.
I went up to my room, as I was waking up early the next morning to pack everything, have breakfast and leave =(((
A lot of confusion on the way to the airport and boarding...
Oh dear.
Second season TV travel show - Travel Box Brazil
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide