Last hours in Brasilia...

Brasília DF

* First of all... the photos aren't small! If you click on them, they'll open in another window and they'll be very big 😉 And another thing... please comment! lol*

Now we're talking.

I took a nice shower ahhhhhhhhhhhhh =D , changed my clothes, packed my bags and got ready to leave. 
From there I was going to put my suitcase in the car... and everything I'd taken... I wouldn't be going back to the house I was in... I'd be staying with my cousins after the sightseeing tour lol 😉
Laísa was already feeling homesick, how could she spend the night without her husband?! Hehehe it's part of it and soon, soon other trips would come 😉 so we'd miss the teasing soon =p
Finally we left, first we went to the Imported Fair, I wanted a new bag urgennnteee =)
It was a Monday and they don't usually stay open until late afternoon on Mondays... but it was Christmas Eve and everyone wanted to sell well 😉 and that helped me =)
We walked around a bit and saw lots of cool things, including the camera I want most hihihi Nikon D5000, but it was the same price as here in Rio so I didn't get too excited, further on Laísa saw some creams from Victoria Secrets, but it didn't excite me either, even though it was cheap 😉
Ahhh Finally, I found the handbag stand, one more beautiful than the other!!! I bought mine, super cheap, less than 50 reais... big and beautiful hauahauhauha, just the way I wanted it, I was so happy.... 
And our tummies began to complain... certain snores began to take over the scene and we wanted to eat!!! 
But where? At that moment everyone asked themselves the same question. Me and Laísa neither we needed we understood each other by looking at each other, and the boys who stayed in the what to do. 

OgAAOSXhX NEJYLotkRHTJ54RwGfQyM 2MiS7Hcc6vHskAovWUGYOX9 Wpg7WdJ8KsIfXyV8riwpvC vI6XRPj9ekAm1T1UG1Oehs QU8b6Trb3BBHMGlpYQpz 1 - Cris Worldwide

Lá and I wanted to eat something new and from there... and after the boys understood this, we ended up going to a different place, near the Television Tower, which is one of their tourist attractions and where we would start our tour 😉
It was like a snack bar, and the thing was like a pancake with meat and potatoes inside with sauce and so on... very, very tasty! I loved it and I'd never seen it before... the stools were on the sidewalk and the tower was in the background 😉 We stuffed ourselves, took lots of photos and then went to the tower, it was almost dark!
And we weren't sure what time the Tower closed!
OgAAACcj735sLYK TKjHDPCwcc3dETN 0Io9e6GdJvOvudpGfRp0K1dJP8AifcpM9OBAQpKsYEkrrzQ GSjUm9tX5u8Am1T1UNTii4aIJRd7Ij78rT3VC73L1Y6x 1 - Cris WorldwideBut we got there and found we still had plenty of time 😉 we took it easy and enjoyed the view from the top to take lots of photos =)
It's really beautiful up there, you can see the city TOOOOOODDDIIINHHAAA, and the lights in the dark of the night really look beautiful and make for good photos 😉
After the photo session... we went down to the rest of the city, the Planalto Palace, the Three Powers Square, the Cathedral was closed for renovation =( we ended up not going there... 
But as it was my second time in Brasília I didn't care 😉 I'd already been to all that =D I just wanted to see it again. 

OgAAAAqC1GwsNuVCx1BBSC q52swO3Acf8mwr7bCRJhIpic4RGVVjC6Gs ueXJ0zUkZPxKQ 04l7rlTp7n5C3KI6lncAm1T1UOE1rl3O8HgGccH8ZPg32N490BMY 1 - Crisis Around the World

We stopped at the Three Powers Square and played with Juscelino Kubitschek's head, which is stuck on a wall with some words of thanks.
We took a few more photos and then headed straight to my cousins' house!!!
Laísa went up with me, said goodbye and left with the rest of the staff =)
I stayed there... ate some snacks, went to the market with my cousins and caught up on all the gossip, we hadn't seen each other for a long time =) 
We had a good chat... and the next thing I knew it was dawn... and my flight left at 7am! I had to wake up at 5 and get there on time or I'd drool!
We chatted some more and decided to pamper ourselves, I more than anyone needed to sleep!!! I'd come straight from the airport to the gym to teach... Me and my crazy running around as usual =p
I woke up jumping... it felt like I'd been asleep for less than 10 seconds!!! I took a shower and woke up my cousin. Hey, it's about time, shall we? Why don't you wake me up earlier? I'd make you some coffee 😉
Ahh no need, you'll take me there =D Come on, come on =p
We got in the car, ran a bit and everything was fine! In perfect order. We said goodbye... and with my heart squeezing too much I boarded the plane... waited for the gates to open... sat in my seat and all I remember hearing was that we were landing in Rio hehehe, I slept the whole trip =) 
Dad picked me up from the airport and took me to the gym. Everything was in perfect order... 
The trip went more than well... and the longing was already more than infinite... when would I be back? I don't know... but there was already a taste in my mouth of wanting to go back... 
I taught with my head in Brasilia... 


*Hihihih joking... End *


OgAAAAadw33EKVXivEknQs6nyWbx mkBBrVeZycVKl95ourjOnXP4NR01OrG6SLtOReH 65EbO3j5WhZ Z2Y RgLSbIAm1T1UDWGpf9nhTv14rQdWKDkNPnJvol6 1 - Crisis Around the World
Three Powers Square
OgAAABfAcheTQGOKFbl9CGuG4Mw9j 6095Cq tRQ5l91bG0aIqtNKzYKv2rjaPPwiH6PJNLh1Wg59Cvd1ihsXGvP4S4Am1T1UPhUxSKgFEajBQdiHluV5Ie HryM 1 - Crisis Around the World
View from the Tower
OgAAABPf35djwfw1zxMMvNm AtE091j1qlMADu dr i4pZ7xNwCicMgv2ZGRKqoa8jqeFRQ0b NvjXgiyQMsekN68fkAm1T1UKsoG4azOupWUZciqyY6tQ8gGkRT 1 - Crisis Around the World
Delicia Licia Delicia, hummmm!!!
OgAAABTE2It2dVvG OV0H1hI8HpKXT9nocq45TP1hoPQH2tmmxQcAski249KmIVKKQNAVhRbxUR5gb9VZ C0Ucnet0Am1T1UMYGGM1S1vUv ZMivczaM9SFioK 1 - Crisis Around the World
Taking the piss out of J.K.
OgAAACcj735sLYK TKjHDPCwcc3dETN 0Io9e6GdJvOvudpGfRp0K1dJP8AifcpM9OBAQpKsYEkrrzQ GSjUm9tX5u8Am1T1UNTii4aIJRd7Ij78rT3VC73L1Y6x 2 - Cris Pelo Mundo
View from the Tower
OgAAACrMzOLTzSrLXS0q5KNNDzGhHWlFUes1w QYkSydGAEsJiVsNKyC44YZa0L TrPGr4sRuzy62BOBV9Ekk MXJbkAm1T1UC0IK MFQMxuleP0j2vfKXT8B ae 1 - Crisis Around the World
OgAAACzR2dXh6V0sC4B2BhA6XLe5VsQJR GgDCqkq8Re5nPVZ6CXMufZ9bf9wel3sJRTBkuhfRV mKHlgNUwVWCuhEAm1T1UN88wl 2AxXCOKOQCzKNocXD qYO 1 - Cris Worldwide
J.K. suffers.
OgAAEAphQPQ0rPIQOiLVfSWmGQuGwVdizXz7RLnSgnyTdHdQLiCX32hgB3kVeRePBjaKXS7SlOXgZCEnErynOMaz4Am1T1UA8TV nszA KO9wSANQHg8dIUZHl 1 - Cris Around the World
View from the Tower
OgAAAF922Xz8gbquDjUwZxssjYJLnzOQXVypF3oSpHT2tVnzFz8tgTuIlFlUnECeZlPKB8QsF8Xpi67DVO0vUeO4hCwAm1T1UH0lBCrUGP1Nvrncvo8OGkLIgwt9 1 - Cris Worldwide
OgAAAFYvOawyCORIHSN2VXzLLBs0h61DWt NV45wLLtvx8PVODjjsTd9wrjmursQxlF7mDwkOx09gzrWubxaaXBkMvUAm1T1UIYvvgw4 S5j4D8uTDGy6vZQvpwo 1 - Crisis Around the World
The Tower
OgAAAGMhTjFj93IZ6 o6PAw5el97yWPIaLdxTPdU4WfTnknhBVWCVRelaVyrVDFYOdMAdXwQ1muwwMoiD00coeXzukAm1T1UDyMYQaDDDxq8xGhViq3q4lqskqi 1 - Cris Worldwide
In the Tower.
OgAAAHTo4qTEhawONItj LmFUlNenL ABmPgMWVBJ5 jooLRaIYrkPbUv6seAi4mh06Eq7cRKkf4Fy51uKcMxjtb3oAm1T1UMGRiA2AHI0d qrBtsiPyYJVsFDF 1 - Cris Worldwide
Cousin taking me to the Aero lol
OgAAIKlsCigL3pj98geOFHcrMauS9JDrCZsfP0JvT GV39DCdltkTADjkSi7dBYAZFLOiXTwM8dw2RNDM bjCcNFCwAm1T1UFAKabKRcrOmQv7 MITKUmG3palE 1 - Crisis Around the World
The tower!
OgAAJ71bFKJE4uM4958kg5H7qOUs8Ce7nmltKI4COA36RlopcxZbpyut0AAOHayn3hc4IKlnTNF2hpZgO3a6kHwQ2wAm1T1UL14 F9D4OotylD1Ee4VTqSg4lXa 1 - Crisis Around the World
Going to the fair.
OgAAAKrip4COhaEcfRPW4OflRkCbFDW fsq5v2wOs5nT3vDsQSngPMXcdZGi1chKvJj0vES8bhCUsMY4wyBMy kiQ74Am1T1UE 9a r2MZ Jifm1K3Pc GWWtDV 1 - Crisis Around the World
Waiting for the food.
OgAAALzsj2BNqZJ1WsbE9gH9xUJEAUhHWqbACDs6uL85HqZs8Oqwa3qjDSSWDZFPy9yeRvig3ZvM0HoH68U9a8 f16MAm1T1UMQThICljfb7FiZ5DQL800d 71n7 1 - Crisis Around the World
Cousins' house 😉
OgAAANE5nelD VUdHPV5guNIpkTHA1WqD6Tc r5D hqCt9FHf4MYQrfJKxYIx hZ0NKyuGm h1EYicYsHq4T989i mUAm1T1UNDbSTSqtfOHIODkcvrbnJdoP6iq 1 - Crisis Around the World
OgAAANlfgOaNjGxuvAhAXVbJr9 5NkGZgFwMSoyC y74h8UHXHe1Vmkc0Wy6jEtd7aBLBWhhbqs0dit3xJ2vQp75JTgAm1T1UGxF EDfpwAxn 1jkISn5nRYcTzW 1 - Crisis Around the World
View from the Tower
OgAAANR1HFvstf6IjxbngFahaoWudA6FP4s1046UVC0od7HFs KBbTZijWVCpKvAtRcRgNy3yzV3VYJ0hf nJCrvDeoAm1T1UJkxp0OEnytXVdgGnlC8ACISq0wN 1 - Crisis Around the World
Boyfriend =)
OgAAON 8EB76lxpeMKreUbgpCAu7rUT6eWVdu8suXIKjvVxAiuqSfBc49iOEd3K96gjLhSSca4PUQLdj1o Ph1 fYMAm1T1UJLwUFod9ScchUqm5w ltzskboye 1 - Crisis Around the World
The food isn't coming, let's take a picture, shall we?
OgAAAPDv0gmK08Qz5RG4koqDL27Fdoc2t9wwS5glxUiLzqZwzVU2f4DaAue44m7bgBkK9eTDicgh cXsRqQ U61GJHgAm1T1UNSRFKaMt12vdYtl7jmdyF AuHN5 1 - Crisis Around the World

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