Iupiii fed!!!
Marathon, run after the GoPro!!! I wanted to buy the 2, which shoots better, has more resolution and so on, but the day before I'd only found the 1, and to buy the 1... I'd buy it in Rio.
There we went again, in the best buy saga, this time we went to another one, hunted, walked and asked! There was a GoPro hero2! With lots of cool kits! For underwater, for bikes, for lots of things! Ahhh very happy, now the trip would have been completed, ALL the objectives successfully accomplished =D Uhulll!!!Happier impossible! In 24 hours I managed to buy everything I wanted, we rented two very good cars and I still had time to visit the city's Downtown, go back to the beach, even if just for a walk and have a last look around and try to find Miami Ink =p
So... off we went, of course with a stop at Mc Donald's to buy some nuggets with barbecue sauce and a cold coca cola (although I don't like coke very much, I wasn't alone hehehe and finding guaraná antartica there must have been a bit bad ahuahuahuahuahau).
We ate on the way, I was wrapped up in food, drinks, sauces, camera and the wind in my face because I was in convertible mode lol something wonderful! Thanks to our friends, we had a superb GPS, which took us everywhere, we didn't get lost once, it was VERY useful and saved us a lot of precious time!!! In a few minutes we were in the executive part of the city, huge buildings, but I didn't see many stores, I imagined something much more capitalist! Of course, the day before I went to a huge shopping mall, and I saw some monstrous stores like Best Buy, but nothing out of the ordinary... It was a very nice city, full of people who ONLY spoke Spanish, lol Even if you asked them in English or other languages, they would answer you and comment in Spanish... which I loved!!! I like this language much more than the boring English ahuahuaha =p I have a problem with English, although I understand a little I don't speak almost anything... I'm VERY ashamed... We went on the part where the GIANT cruises leave, I've been dying to go on one and I found out that it's relatively cheap, 400 dollars 6 days all inclusive to the Caribbean... good good... who knows next time 😉
Ahhh when we were on our way back to Ocean Drive to hunt for Miami Ink.... Lo and behold, we found
the "Coco Bongo" , éééé'!!! From Mascara! Very coolallll I didn't even remember it was there hehhehehe!
We were so entertained by the scenery, I took so many photos. I climbed a lot on the bench and stood up a lot taking photos ahuahua even though I knew I couldn't, I climbed up, stood up quickly, took photos and came back down... luckily nothing came of it... but I couldn't resist! It's so cool, the photos are so much better. It makes me want to have a car like this just for that =p
Bomm beach again! South Beach =) Stop for photos... unfortunately it was too crowded hahahah so we stopped for two seconds because there were no vacancies... Photos taken, shall we find Miami Ink? From the program I thought it was on the edge of the beach, but nothing, about 3 streets back... we hunted and hunted until... pit stop... I VERY MUCH need to go to the bathroom... Igor stopped on the roadside and I went into a Burger King! I went in, letting out my "Spanish" hauhauha, saying ... Hola... Donde estan los baños? hauhauhauhah and I was very well answered and welcomed =)
now if I said it right I don't know =p
Relieved... we continued our saga, on the way we saw the most American cafeteria we could have seen... really stylized, I took a picture while we were walking and tcharãm... Iupiii!!! Miami! Another blessed place with no vacancies... I really wanted to meet up with the guys from the series and ask them the price of the blessed and perfect Tatoos... even though I had no idea where I was going to get one of those....
As soon as I got out of the car there was a group of Portuguese girls who immediately asked me to take photos for them, and we asked them to do the same! Then they commented on the car, took photos etc. and we commented that unfortunately it was rented =( hahahah but it was really beautiful! Then we went into the store and saw how cute it was, but also how small it was heheheh it's not even half of what was on TV, how a camera game favors a place, right? The Japanese guy (Yoji) was at the counter and I immediately asked the price... and then came the surprise! Two hundred dollars... the lowest, given the success of the program and the quality... I thought it would be MUCH more expensive! I felt like it, but what to get tattooed? Where? And for how long?? ahuahuahau impossible... never mind =p
We got off and saw that time was running out, I still wanted to stop at a luxury condominium nearby... where the famous have several houses, I had to fill up the tank and make sure we were going to board... well I hope so, right? Because the flight was WELL full... let's see how it goes!
Second season TV travel show - Travel Box Brazil
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide