This is the coolest zoo I've ever visited!
I went and enjoyed the opportunity to enter the cages and interact with animals such as lions, tigers and bears. It's not for everyone, is it? An incredible experience!
Did you love the idea? When I heard about it I went crazy too, so I'm going to give you all the tips here so you can make the most of this adventure.
Many people ask me and even accuse the zoo of doping the beasts, but I don't particularly believe that, precisely because I have observed the animals' behavior and even talked to the keepers to better understand the dynamics of the place. When I went into the young lion and tiger cages, for example, the keeper asked me to wait a little longer, as we had to respect the animals' play and relaxation time. The little cubs, with their toys running back and forth, ate a lot until I could enter. So I believe that they are not doped, they wouldn't run around the way I observed, and the keepers told me that these breaks are routine and necessary.
I saw the care the animals receive, and I still didn't understand how it could be possible for them to be so docile, until one of the keepers explained it to me: he said that the fact that the beasts had lived with dogs since they were puppies helped a little with their domestication, as well as having constant contact with humans.
Of course, they are still wild animals and you can't be too careful. Following the instructions of the keepers is extremely important for the success of Zoo Lujan and your safety.
Are you looking forward to going there? Then come and travel with me!
There are several ways to get to the zoo, including complete tour packages with all the necessary facilities or just transportation, but I've always preferred the traditional way of going on my own. It's super easy: First you have to go to Plaza Italia in Buenos Aires and take bus 57 from the Atlantida company. This journey takes around 2 hours to get there and another 2 hours to get back, so it's a good idea to set aside the whole day.
The entrance fee to Zoo Lujan is different for locals and tourists: locals pay 150 pesos, but tourists have to pay 300! Pretty steep, huh? But I think it's worth it, since zoos like this are quite rare, I don't know of any others personally.
This ticket entitles you to enter the cages, feed the animals and visit the open-air museum with its many vintage cars! You can also take a ride on a dromedary.
There is a bar/restaurant at the zoo, but I didn't think it was worth eating there, I didn't really like the food and it was very expensive! The tip is to take some snacks with you and have dinner in a good restaurant when you leave.
As I spent the whole day there, I was quite hungry, so even after a snack, I ended up buying a very tasty love apple with popcorn from a stall there.
Zoo Lujan has taken great care with its organization and I've noticed significant changes over the years. I thought this was very important, as in addition to improvements in infrastructure, toilets and facilities, they are always looking to innovate.
The first time I went, there were only a few animals, the second time there were more cubs, birds and reptiles and from there it only got better with white tigers and more.
Well, after all that, I don't need to say any more, do I? It was undoubtedly one of the best experiences I've ever had, a dream come true, being able to pet a lion, feed a tiger and make fun of a bear!
I already want to go back and see what's new there, don't you?
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