Ahhhh, man, all the weight of the world came off my back, when the text message arrived saying that the money was already on the card AHHHHHHH, you have no idea! It was so good! What a relief!
We were already on our way to the hotel when we realized that if we went there everything would go to shit...
It was almost 5 p.m. and we still wanted to have lunch, otherwise we wouldn't have had the strength for the shopping marathon!
We optimized the time, even though we had just left the beach, I cleverly took pants, underwear and so on to change in case something like that happened, a cautious girl is worth a thousand hihihi, I changed in the car and we went straight to best buy, trying to see if the card would really go through and I would be able to buy my camera!!! Uhuulll finally! We got there and... THE CAMERA HAD RUN OUT =(
I was very sad and already thinking that I wouldn't be able to leave that trip without the camera. But Igor was still strong and said... let's go on walmart it revived me! We stopped the car and a VERY suspicious American woman tried to get our attention and started talking VERY fast to us with strange gestures and so on... we left because we thought it was very strange and we realized that we were going to be robbed!!! And that's exactly what happened, because the girl at the airport told us that in shopping mall and market parking lots you can't walk between the cars and get in the way... at these times they do get robbed and it's not uncommon! get out of the car and go to wide places with a good view, you can't get in the way in alleys and get in between the cars, otherwise you'll be on your way!!!! Finally we entered the market, and... THE CAMERA HAD RUN OUT TOO!!! By then I'd given up and felt really sad, thinking that I'd be leaving the trip without my precious camera =/ and we ran to the Dolphin Mall By this time it was already dark, our stomachs were stuck to our backs and I was very discouraged... but I didn't let my guard down 😉 lol After all, I was traveling and maybe the next day, if I didn't board at 5 a.m., I'd make it!
Ahh time to stop the car, a bit of a task... shopping LOT! But in the end, we recognized a bit of the place and chose a place to eat, we even saw a churrascaria with Brazilian seasoning lol but we wanted something very American lol =p so... Friday's off we went!!!
We each chose a dish with a caesar salad as a starter, the promotion was 4 dollars more to include the starter hhihihihi, it doesn't get any better than that! And a refill of blueberry iced tea to quench our thirst!
With every sip I took, I noticed how hungry and thirsty I was, something that the heat of the moment hadn't allowed me to notice.
Ahh, the cold was approaching, the night had fallen and so had the temperature! But laziness, hunger and tiredness didn't allow me to take my coat in the car, because shopping with a coat would be VERY bad, because it would be something else to carry in my hand... since the rush would make me sweat, so I endured it for a while!
We each chose a different dish to try, both with prawns in their preparation. Mine was chicken with prawn sauce and cheese with mashed potatoes and his was spaghetti with prawn sauce. Very good, but VERY good, both of them. And contrary to what many people think... the bill ended up being very similar to Brasillll, if not more expensive.
Well filled bellies... SHOPPING!!!! We ran around a lot and went to various stores, looking for cheap things and we found them! We also saw things that were unusually expensive compared to the rest of the cheap stuff we saw!
Let's get down to business, the first store was an electronics store, it wouldn't hurt to try and find out the price of the camera there, just in case. 750 dollars. WHAT? You're crazy... at best buy it was 599.00 dollars... no thanks! And we went on to the clothes, I confess with a glimmer of hope that I would still be able to buy the camera, would I? Heartbroken, but hope is the last thing that dies 😉
Second season TV travel show - Travel Box Brazil
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide