The day of the trip has arrived.

Going to Uruguay

I woke up and packed my bags! Very anxious, I really wanted this trip, I would disconnect from Brazil for a week!

P5110197 1 - Cris Around the WorldP5110198 1 - Cris Around the WorldP5110195 1 - Cris Around the World  New air, new people, new clothes, new culture, new language! Everything! I was sure it would do me good. I took a taxi, went to the gym, met Mimi and her boyfriend and we went to Galeão... where we checked in very quickly, went to the departure lounge, went through the duty free, took lots of photos!!! We were told a little later that we couldn't hauhauh but then it was too late... =p we bought KIT KAT... And with new experiences and choices we discovered new passions! God, what a treat, the best chocolate I've ever eaten in my entire life, we bought all the salabores straight away... I fell in love with the white chocolate, I love it! Really good! I fell hard for it! We bought a few more things and poof! We boarded the plane and it felt like the journey had begun! It was raining A LOT... and I was a bit scared... I confess... lol
P5110202 1 - Cris WorldwideWe were both more excited than anything. There was a photo of the ticket, a photo of the plane, a photo of us sleeping, with our passports and everything possible hehehehe...
But a little after the first few hours, we really got tired and slept for a while... a quick 40 minutes.... We woke up and guess what? More photos! Only now looking VERY sleepy auhauhau
P5110203 1 - Cris Worldwide About three hours later we arrived in Montevideo!
 And a soap opera has begun!
Our flight was Rio/Buenos Aires, but with a 12-hour break in Montevideo!!! And the airport guys wouldn't let us leave the departure lounge!!! They said we were passengers in transit and couldn't leave. Now tell me, does that make sense? I wouldn't stay in a lounge for TWELVE hours waiting for my flight!!!
So with all the calm in the world, and my portunhol... which gradually proved to be very good... I went to talk to people.... who only spoke Spanish.
Shortly afterwards, a guy came up and said... please follow me...
He led us out of the departure lounge and seconds later we were exchanging Brazilian Reals for Uruguayan Pesos! Uhullll!!! We were surprised at how easy it had been... but... we went, didn't we? Nobody asked for ID, nobody asked for a passport... NOTHING... we just entered another country and carried on!
I hadn't seen much about Uruguay. We were kind of blind there, not knowing much.
We saw an information point and started talking to the guys... what would be fun to do, where to go, etc.
They said look, there's a nice mall here, there's a casino there, they gave you all the coordinates, but also a warning! Be careful when it's dark, it gets a bit dangerous! I'm a Carioca, I laugh, right? Dangerous? I'd read that URUGUAY is the safest country in Latin America.
Then I thought... it must be dangerous for them... a bit different from dangerous for us...
But I kept going, paying close attention. We left the airport and got a bus to start our reconnaissance walk...


More photos from the trip...
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We've just woken up... our faces are smashed lol


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HAUHAuh silly things to pass the time...
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Ui... hauhauhauah nothing to do...
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It was raining! Scared... lol
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Let me sleep!
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Tickets, passports, orange nails!


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Sleep, indeed!
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