What it's like to travel with a 1 to 2 year old - Tips to make it easier!

Every trip is a surprise, but traveling with a baby aged between 1 and 2 isn't that difficult.

Our little ones develop and grow alarmingly, and even if you have a short break between trips, it can feel like a millennium, especially at this stage, when development is rampant, but traveling with a 1 to 2 year old baby is not impossible at all.
As I've already said, we started traveling when he turned two and a half months old and it was a delight. I can assure you that the smaller he was, the easier it was, without any manias, blatant personality, desires or the curiosity to go out and see every little thing, which would make your mother's hair stand on end.
If you want tips on traveling with a baby up to 1 year old, click here!

How to travel with a baby

The care increases, but so does the fun!

If it was difficult to manage outings before, with baby food and bottles, now feeding is easier but the work is doubled. You can't take your eyes off him for a second, but it's important to let him take a few steps to burn off some energy, that's the only way you'll have a more peaceful night at dinner, believe me...lol
Think of having a child as a video game, each stage is more difficult and there's a boss at the end, but it's super fun to play, so let's talk about some tips that are essential for the success of your trip.


Once you become a mother, you know a few tricks, right? Of course, each child has his or her own personality, sometimes not everything that works for mine will work for yours, but without a doubt some tips are universal, for example, if I go out with a bottle, a biscuit, a baby carriage and a good toy, everything ends up being much easier, so tip number one: be prepared, especially when it comes to food.
Normally, when we travel, the weather isn't quite right and lunch can come a little later than planned. If you have a biscuit, some fruit or a bottle to satisfy your hunger, the crying will go away.


If you're exhausted from holding him for hours or he starts to want to go all over the place, run around and explore, but it's not really the time or place for that, the stroller helps a lot.
Of course, we'll need a few tricks, such as his favorite toy. This helps to divert attention and he won't find it so bad to have to go to the baby carriage. The baby carriage is also indispensable at nap time, it ends up being a mini cradle and you can continue with the program without disturbing the baby's sacred sleep, believe me, most of the time it's either hunger or sleep, so don't forget it! Bottles, biscuits, fruit, a stroller and toys must all be present when traveling with a baby aged between 1 and 2.

how to travel with a baby aged 1 to 2 infallible tips, favorite toy

Check out the link below for every traveling mom's dream, the Yoyoit even fits on the plane!!!! What a dream!!!! Yes, it's expensive, but there are cheaper generic versions out there, I didn't particularly like the generic one.

Types of programs.

If you used to be able to enjoy a romantic dinner with your husband, go to a thousand museums and do a lot of shopping all in one trip, you can start putting the brakes on your plans. You have to choose one of these programs at a time, at least one a day so as not to stress out the little ones, give preference to programs that have nice activities for children and where there are more friends to play with, The tip is to first put on a program for them, so they can spend their energy and have a nice nap, and it's at this sacred time that you'll put on the program for the adults, so everyone wins and everything is much calmer, of course it all depends on your child's nap time, mine is very active in the morning and right after lunch it goes off!

I've visited a brewery and got to know the whole process with my little one, and it was very peaceful, but we've visited museums that he enjoyed even more than me, with his giant eyes and interacting a lot.

How to travel with a 1 to 2 year old baby tips crisstilben museum cris around the world

Places to travel.

There are many places in the world and it's not because you've had children that you can't travel anymore, quite the opposite, it's just a question of knowing where to go, after all, you can't stay in a hotel that's popular for honeymoons, can you? Of course not!
It doesn't mean that you can't travel with a 1-2 year old baby and visit your dream place, after all, every place in the world has children and surely some part of this place is reserved for them, unless you want to cross the Atacama Desert with a toddler, then I think you should leave it for later.


Another tip is that nowadays we can find lots of kid-friendly hotels, which is great because they have all the facilities and there are other little ones to play with, not to mention the friendships we form with other parents during our stays.


Now that the baby is not such a baby, everything is easier! After all, he can sit next to you in the restaurant in a highchair and eat with us! No need to worry about heating up porridge. Of course, we can't stop at just any roadside bar.

We have to be careful, and we're not going to order a feijoada full of pork either! Or a stew for them. We should ask for something light and cut it very small so they don't choke.

How to travel with a 1 to 2 year old baby tips crisstilben cris pelo mundo 10 - Cris Pelo Mundo

But even so, it's always good to buy some ready-made food and keep it in your backpack.

It's a great way out if your little one doesn't like the food in the restaurant or there's nothing for them. Especially because sometimes we want to eat something different that isn't so good for their sensitive stomachs.

Or we're simply in the middle of a walk with no time for lunch and the little one's watch starts ringing.

Having a piece of paper in your bag with a pen or crayon also makes your meal much more relaxed. They spend hours drawing and you can eat in peace. If you don't have any, ask the waiter, they always have some.

How to travel with a baby aged 1 to 2 crisstilben tips cris pelo mundo 2 - Cris Pelo Mundo

Places to change diapers.

At one year old, the baby still wears diapers and many places don't provide this necessary care.

So the tip is to always look for a restaurant or shopping mall! These are places where there are usually changing tables, or if there aren't, let's improvise!

I've had to use a distant table in a restaurant because they didn't have a changing table, I've used a car seat or even benches in squares. What we can't do is leave them dirty! Always remember to check the situation to avoid diaper rash, we don't want any unforeseen events on our trip, right? It's not all flowers lol.

Traveling with a 1 to 2 year old baby also has its laborious side, hehehe.


No matter how well thought out, programmed and beautiful the itinerary, there will always be unforeseen events.
Whether it's the silliest things, like the restaurant closing down, or the most difficult, like an unforeseen virus or a thunderstorm during the whole trip.
So it's always good to be prepared! Take basic medicines and plans bs, cs and everything you can.

Yes, we also have to be more careful when traveling with a baby between 1 and 2 years old. After all, immunity isn't 100% yet and there will be a lot of unforeseen events.
Not to mention that the pediatrician's whats app or email always come to the rescue! Ideal for when you need a remedy for a viral illness that might be going around.

Time passes and we don't feel it.

Time really does fly! Make the most of traveling with a baby between 1 and 2 years old, as they're already pretty big when you blink.
We can no longer see the baby in our little boy, and we miss him so much

In a month's time our little one turns two, and we are VERY much looking forward to it! Now he'll be traveling in his own seat on the plane and there are lots of cool things to come.

Every trip he gets happier and interacts more, every detail is important and every cry of happiness is an absolute smile on our faces.

And of course, the traveling can't stop! You grow with each place, you learn so much from us and from the people you meet there! That's so cool.

You'll soon be able to enjoy some trips with us in real time. 2017 promises to be a lot of fun.

I can only tell you one thing, even Asia is on the itinerary hihihi.

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