Tips 01 - Trindade RJ

Trindade is a beautiful little town between the mountains and the beach, almost in São Paulo, but still belonging to Rio de Janeiro. It's 4 and a half hours from Rio and about 5 from São Paulo, so the mix is huge, as the place is practically halfway between the two.
Its beaches are enchanting, full of rustic charm and it has just one main street, where people have fun, have lunch, buy souvenirs and at night there are street shows.

But if you're looking for peace and quiet and heavenly scenery, don't go during vacation periods or holidays! The city gets unbearably crowded and this spoils some of the beauty of the place, but if you're someone who loves a good time, then this is the time to go.
There are shows all over the street, with a variety of musical styles, and there's even a beach kiosk that's turned into a nightclub, with sound systems, lights and everything! And there's even a cool lual on the sand, there's everything.
Trindade is a place that has already been discovered by tourists and can be enjoyed by all styles and tastes, just be aware of the season you want to go to and your style of travel.


Tourist attractions


Cepilho Beach

It's the first beach we saw when we arrived in Trindade and it's where the surfers make their waves.

Rancho Beach

This is where there is the highest concentration of kiosks with the best infrastructure.

Middle Beach

Beautiful, with a few vendors and stunning views, it is the most crowded of all and has a very nice rock where people climb to take great photos. not to mention that the rocks end up leaving the waterfront very calm for swimming, as the waves break more in the background

Caixa D'aço Beach

It is the emptiest of the four, with a very long stretch of sand. Access to it is more complicated and to get there you have to take a 400m trail that starts at Praia do Meio.
There is a campsite and two restaurants offering food, snacks and drinks.

Steel casing swimming pool

The trail is a little more boring, after walking the entire length of Caixa D'aço beach there is still 700m of trail (a total of 1.7km to the pool), it is extremely crowded in high season and the little fish and clear water are harmed by this, you can access the pool by boats, which leave from Praia do Rancho or Praia do Meio, which ends up increasing the flow of people and helping to fill the pools.
It's a rock that swallows you up, it's after a quiet trail and, contrary to what everyone thinks, it's no big deal. It's no big deal, it's not as scary as everyone makes it out to be and inside the rock is a big hole with a quiet exit.


Where to eat?

There are several options in the city and the vast majority of restaurants offer the well-known PF (Prato Feito) which is a great option, tasty and cheap!
I went to a few restaurants and the one that caught my eye the most was Branca's Pousada e Restaurante, I ordered a portion of prawns which cost R$ 45.00 along with a portion of fries R$15.00, I split this between three and there was plenty left over! PFs there cost R$ 25.00.
There are cheaper options, on the first day I ate at a restaurant that resembled a kiosk and the PF cost R$15.00 very tasty, with well done fish and well seasoned beans, it is in the direction of Praia do Rancho at a fork in the road.
Where to sleep
There are campsites, rented suites, hostels and inns.
I stayed at a campsite further away from the city center, called Alto Astral, the price is R$25.00 while near the city it costs R$40.00 plus R$ 20.00 for parking.
The city isn't very cheap, especially on vacations or vacations!
There are suite options for R$49.00 and hostels that are more expensive.
Be careful, as it's difficult to find accommodation during vacations and high season. When I went, everything was full with signs saying there were no vacancies.




The town, especially during vacations or holidays, is very busy! Shows spread from the main street to the kiosks on Rancho beach!
The street artists sit on the sidewalk and begin to make a sound that leaves many people slack-jawed



The town is full of sweet sellers and the cheapest brigadeiro is at the start of the trail to Caixa D'aço beach! The guy stands there on the little rise after Praia do Meio with his brigadeiro for R$ 1.00, while in town it varies between R$3.00 and R$4.00.
The city's trails are an added delight, with nature making real frames with its landscapes and extremely beautiful places.
However, if you are tired or don't like hiking, but want to visit the Caixa D'aço pool, there is a boat that makes this journey.
It leaves from Praia do Meio or Rancho and costs R$ 10.00 one way plus R$ 10.00 return.


How to get there

Bus from Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro/ Paraty R$ 62,50
You have to take a bus to Paraty and from there a local bus from Paraty to Trindade, which costs R$ 3,00
Trindade/Paraty R$ 3,00 plus Paraty / Rio de Janeiro R$ 58,50
The bus is extremely comfortable, so you can go or come back sleeping soundly.
Car leaving Rio de Janeiro.
Take Avenida Brasil, follow BR 101, continue along Rodovia Rio Santos, pass through Muriqui, Mangaratiba, Angra, Paraty and soon after there will be an entrance on the left with a small sign saying Trindade, just go in and be happy.

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