Flying with a baby - What's it like?!

#bb's adventures around the world have begun!

I was very anxious because it would determine whether my baby would inherit my traveler's blood or whether it would be a hardship to travel, would it be easy to fly with a baby? Would I have to take a break from traveling or could I go on happily and contentedly? After all, who hasn't gotten on a plane, heard a baby crying and thought: Oh, this is going to be a long trip?

Yes, I've already done that and I wouldn't want to have a baby in my arms crying the whole trip, so to minimize any discomfort I consulted the pediatrician, asked everything I had in doubt, such as from what age he could fly and how I would avoid pressure on his little ears.

what it's like to fly with a baby #bbpelomundo Baby around the World Cris Stilben crisstilben Cris around the World (3)

Age and ears

From the age of 2 months, the baby could already be flying. I had a lot of doubts about flying with a baby.
But the biggest one was about the little ears.
But when it came to that, it was just a matter of giving it a pacifier when taking off or landing, and the answers were okay! But even so, I was unsure, would the theory be the same as the practice?

Well, I waited for him to be three months old, since his immune system would already be stronger and less susceptible to infections, so it would be safer to be in crowds like airports and closed planes.
It's worth remembering that every baby is different and it's extremely important to consult your pediatrician.

what it's like to fly with a baby #bbpelomundo Baby around the World Cris Stilben crisstilben Cris around the World (8)

Documents - Domestic Flights

If the flight is domestic, everything is easier! Children under the age of 12 only need to be accompanied by a parent or relative who can prove their relationship, with their birth certificate or identity card.

In my case, I even preferred to make an ID for my baby. Not only is it more practical to carry around, but it's also safer, as your fingerprint is marked on it! This way the record is more accessible in case something happens, of course we don't want that to happen, but precaution is always good.
Don't forget to take your child's vaccination card with you on any type of flight, it will help a lot in case of illness.


Documents - International Flights


On international flights, the presence of the father and mother is required, but if one of the two is not present, a written authorization from the person who is not going must be notarized, on the model that can be found on the website of the Court of Justice.
For flights to MERCOSUR countries, you will also need your child's ID or passport. For other flights, you can only use your passport, but be aware that passports for children up to 5 years old are valid for different periods, for example, one-year-old babies only have a passport valid for one year! Pay attention to the need for tourist visas for certain countries, such as the United States.

Further details can be found in the passenger handbook published by ANAC at the address below:

Tips for the flight


Don't forget to take a blanket for your child, they're sure to feel a little chilly during the flight.
The air conditioning is very strong and often cannot be controlled.

Make sure you have a bag with a diaper, bottle or baby food and a pacifier.

I recommend taking more than one of each, as it can fall on the floor and sterilize during the flight, so it's a bit tricky.

Don't forget a change of clothes for you and your child, everyone with children knows that sometimes things happen and no mom or dad wants to get wet or see their little ones wet during the flight.

what it's like to fly with a baby #bbpelomundo Baby around the World Cris Stilben crisstilben Cris around the World (5)

Best time to fly

Thank God I didn't have any complications with my little one, even though I spent an hour on the plane to be cleared for take-off, he stayed like a little angel on my lap and didn't complain at all, on the outward journey he was awake the whole way and suckling, he wanted to see everything that was happening and didn't let out a cry! However, it's best to choose flights at night, when they're more used to taking that sweet little nap.

Do babies pay for tickets? The best part of flying with a baby

Babies up to the age of 2 travel on your lap and airlines can charge up to 10% of the adult ticket price. However, some companies don't charge for this ticket, which makes the trip cheaper, phew! And it's an extra incentive for us to fly with a baby.

Children over 2 years old need to buy a seat, some airlines give discounts of up to 50%.
For children under two years old, the boarding fee is waived, while older children are charged.

That's more than enough incentive to fly with a baby, isn't it?

I've tried to summarize here all the doubts I had before embarking with my Baby, and I hope I've helped the traveling moms!

My trip was a delight and Emmanuel even got congratulations from the flight attendants for behaving well! Don't forget to give your baby a breast/cup on take-off or landing. That way your puppy won't suffer from the pressure in his ears.

If your child is already sick before you travel, consult your pediatrician, as this can be a real nuisance.

what it's like to fly with a baby #bbpelomundo Baby around the World Cris Stilben crisstilben Cris around the World (15)

Kisses and have a good trip!


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