Women traveling alone.

Do single women and travel go together?


I've always been one to hit the road, even when we can't find any friends to share the journey and the experience with us, and I'm not going to give up traveling just because of that, right?
We women can and SHOULD hit the road without fear of being happy, I've done it a few times and it's done me a lot of good! Especially at key moments in life, such as the beginning of a new stage or the end of a relationship, in those moments that need to be ours to get our heads together, or simply to get to know a new destination and have fun.
women who travel alone Cris Stilben Cris around the world (1)
I met friends along the way who have stayed in my life to this day. When we're traveling alone, we end up talking to people more, allowing ourselves more and being ourselves, it's a delight! Of course, traveling with family, friends and love is also great, but what I want to show is that everything has its moment and is just as good!
Don't stop living out of fear, throw yourself into it and enjoy every moment, you won't regret it. Living new adventures makes me much happier and more complete.
And with that, traveling alone, I ended up joining a very cool project, Blog Cris pelo Mundo, which is now part of the network Woman Trip, designed precisely to connect women who are interested in traveling alone!
With much more security, you can get more information about the destination you want to visit, with special tips for women. What's more, it's also possible to apply to help women visiting your city and receive help when you're traveling to recommend tourist attractions and even make new friends, a great way out for those who, even after reading this post, don't feel safe to travel the world! Cool, right?!
women who travel alone Cris Stilben Cris around the world (3)
In my days as a solo traveler, unfortunately there wasn't a network as cool as this one, I used to go to hostels, where there were usually other solo travelers and people wanting to go out in groups, but now with the Woman TripIn the end, everything became easier for us women. I really liked the idea and ended up becoming a card-carrying member, literally!
There you can also buy a Woman Trip card, which costs R$60.00 per year, so you can get discounts at various establishments, such as hotels, hostels, gyms, restaurants and even beauty clinics, a great way to travel and look your best.
I hope I've managed to encourage the young ladies on duty to get to know this world! Enjoy and come travel with me!


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