Third cage, lion cubs, 4 months old... according to the keeper they couldn't be picked up, only up to 3 months old =(( but I played with them a lot anyway... very cute and electric!
Fourth cage. Tiger and "adolescent" lion, before we went in, the keeper was playing with them... he was dragging something on a rope and they were running around like crazy trying to catch it... just like a dog...
Ahhhh the puppies of all breeds and types... were always raised with dogs, all the classes (except for the adults) had dogs, so that they could learn to be domesticated as well =)
I entered the Tiger and Lion, very cute and the Lion had the beginnings of a VERY cute mane! I took some more photos! The coolest thing I found in this cage was that the keeper, before letting us in, wanted to play with them... I soon saw that they were very active and not at all doped up =)
The attendant held a rope with something attached to the other end and ran around pulling it... and you know when you play with your dog and he comes after you? Just like that! But it was a TIGER AND A LION! hauahuahah mtooo cute! So after playing I went in and played with them 😉
I went out and wandered around the zoo, saw goats, kids, goats and so on, went into their grounds and took a very cute baby on my lap =)
From there I went straight to the big tigers' cage... there must have been about 10 sleeping and a huge one awake receiving food and affection! I took a bottle and gave the animal some milk! HUGE, super rough and different tongue, very nervous =), I gave it a little cuddle and left for the bears! I saw them from afar, I couldn't give them food in the mouth like last year, the zoo had changed a lot!
I saw the dromedaries again, I walked ... I walked around them, but I walked around them, I fed them? Never..... then I saw the elephants, who could no longer be fed from so close! I'm glad I went there last year =) I got to know them and had experiences that many people will never have the chance to have =D
Of course, it's out of the ordinary to enter the cage of a gigantic tiger or lion! But feeding a bear with your own mouth is pretty cool =)
I went to the bird area and saw the macaws, which used to be kept in a small area around the zoo... and you couldn't take photos with your camera, only with the zoo's camera and you could buy them later if you wanted =(
From there, I began to hear the Lion's roars, I had finally woken up! Very loud and frightening. So Cris went back to her cage to say hello and good morning to the zoo's newest waking creature! It's really nice to be so close to such a majestic and large animal!!!
I loved it and I want to go back as soon as possible!
But by the time I saw it, it was around 6 p.m. I was extremely hungry! All that excitement made me hungry! And I hadn't even had lunch!
Gabriel and I were looking for something and saw a love apple with popcorn around it! Hummmmmm what a treat! We were so hungry! We ate and went to the bus stop to wait for the bus!
AGRT that takes so long! At least 40 minutes of waiting! Since ... when we were arriving at the stop, a bus had left ... Well, at least we sat down... hungry, tired but sitting down! Each with their stranger next to them... lol
We arrived in Buenos Aires, in the square and wondered how to get back to the hotel? I don't know!
We went into Mc Donald's and asked! But no one could tell us the bus... Solution? Subway to Florida and from there we got lost! Even though there were stops to be made, I thought it would be easy and I wouldn't be stupid enough to get lost! And I was right! We arrived safe and sound =) much quicker than the bus...
We arrived, I asked if everything had been sorted out about the payment... and nothing had been sorted out yet!
I called Igor and he said that the next day he was going to call and complain A LOT, since they had said that everything would be sorted out. My heart was pounding because the next day at lunchtime, I'd be checking out and if they didn't pay... I'd have to suffer and bear the cost!
The hunger was still strong... so I went to a restaurant almost at the foot of the hotel, and had a mixture of pasta, fettuccine, gnocchi and ravioli! Delicious! Each one with a different sauce and an Argentinian wine to go with it =) wonderful! For a few minutes it made me forget about the headache that Star Travel was giving me (the one that didn't pay for the hotel!!!!).
I went to sleep worried, but with faith that everything would work out =) but I wouldn't know until I woke up =)
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Second season TV travel show - Travel Box Brazil
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What to do in Madeira Island - Complete Guide
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