Carnival in Salvador.

It was Carnival Sunday and until then I'd spent every day enjoying Rio's bloquinhos, which by the way are getting better and better!!! But at the same time, every late night and early morning I ended up watching the Salvador Carnival on TV, and the desire grew and grew and grew. I'd never been there for carnival and I thought it was really cool, at least what I saw on TV 😉 and so the desire that had never manifested itself came on strong this year!
Shall we fix it? Out of curiosity, I had already seen Km of Advantage  that for so many points you could exchange 20% for a discount in the Skol box, my desire was already whetted... but controlled by reason soon after, as I had never been... I had some prejudices, such as...
I used to think that it was too dangerous, that you couldn't carry anything, that it was so crowded that you couldn't walk, that people were rude and things like that, things I'd always heard (I'll get to the point, all these prejudices have been shattered!) that the city stank, that it was dirty, that it was this and that!
I've been to Salvador before and after the carnival and I've never seen all this there, but they said it really gets like this during the carnival! Pure lies.
Sunday night I decided that Monday was carnival day in Salvador, Igor had tickets and so we went... very cheaply, paying the boarding fee and tcharam... =) a different carnival.
But on Sunday I took advantage of the carnival in Rio and at 3 o'clock in the morning I was on the street eating a koni I went home and slept at around 4am, so that I could be up at 7am, VERY GOOD... very smart... but as I decided everything at short notice, I couldn't have done it any differently and rested to enjoy Salvador more.

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I boarded almost asleep, I didn't have breakfast, another mistake, because I'd be VERY hungry afterwards... If you're boarding in the morning, don't forget breakfast! You'll regret it! Especially when you're doing something crazy like me.
Anyway, I had a lousy coffee and a snack that they served on the plane. Ahhhh another stupid thing to do, even if you're going back and forth in your own clothes, take a jacket!!! Not even if you tie it around your waist, because I felt VERY cold during the flight, so I wore a t-shirt and shorts, since I was going to enjoy ONE night in Salvador, and I boarded at 8 in Rio and the next day at 7 I would be returning to Rio, straight from the cabin to the airport!
Luckily, Igor took another sweater and lent it to me, otherwise I would have been freezing and would have been sick right away!!! Sleepy, without food and still cold, that's it, right? hahahaha
Well, as I decided everything at short notice, I didn't buy a box, I left it to try and buy it there, or if I couldn't... the solution was to stay in the popcorn!

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Come on, disembark! Once again in that beautiful city! And it would be the third time in a year, the first at Carnival =p I love Salvador!
I arrived and the first thing I saw was a huge advertisement for the Skol box, would I be able to buy it?
There was a Carnival Centralthe place where the boxes were sold, and where I thought I still had the 20% discount... but the bad news arrived as soon as I entered the store...
Sorry, the discount was only valid until Friday =/
Droguinha, what now? It's too expensive! Let's try to get it cheaper, if it's not good, we'll just eat popcorn!

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Meanwhile, a friend of Igor's was picking us up, Thiago, the coolest Bahian =)
We left and soon he was driving there, he took us to his house, we had a shower and he went to the blocos dos filhos de gandhy, a very popular bloco there! While he was going to the Bloco, another Thiago (this time a carioca, but who already had a Bahian accent from going there so much...) was picking us up to go to the aeroclub to try and buy that box!
By this time my stomach was sticking to my back, it was one o'clock in the afternoon and there was no food ahead, apart from the airplane snack...
Okay, we got to the place, stopped at a gas station, withdrew our money, bought a snack and set off to find someone selling it for a reasonable price! Or cheaper than in the center.
With the greatest fear in the world that I wouldn't make it and would have to stay at the popcorn stand (at that time, I still had my prejudices about muggings, dangers, people pushing me and so on. )
The heat was like 59 Suns, I was starving, the salty snack didn't even cover the hole in my tooth and my blood pressure was dropping and I was starting to see everything strange, but I kept looking...
It got desperate when I found out that the store had run out! And the money changers were charging more and more for the boxes! Even more so as I was looking for one for the same day!
Tip number 743545647 don't wait to buy on the day, even if there are scalpers, try to buy beforehand... it was desperate to see that there were no Skol boxes left for that day and those that were were VERY expensive!
But we didn't give up and kept looking, after all, our friends from Bahia and Rio/Baiano had already bought them there!
Did I go to Salvador for nothing? And would I be left with popcorn? Well, it would still be worth it... I'd get to know one of the most famous carnivals in Brazil... but hope was the last to die...



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Exhausted, she didn't even know she was awake.
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Cold and still sleepy!
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I'm home!
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Joy, joy!
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Ahhhh!!! Skol Box!
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Thiago, the Baiano.
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And the vacations are here!

Supermarket in Amsterdam -

Arubinha - Rio de Janeiro.

Arubinha - Rio de Janeiro.

The Blessed - Salvador Carnival.

Carnival in Salvador.

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