And the roll in Chile only got bigger...

We ordered lunch, the waiter was super nice to us, we felt there that the Chileans were VERY nice!!! And they loved Brazilians =p and hated Argentinians much more than Brazilians think they do lol.

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He spoke Portuguese well, had lived in Brazil for a while and still loved capoeira while he was here... he had done it =)
He recommended centolla, which was a gigantic red crab! It came with a delicious hot garlic oil, and we ordered another fish with garnishes. cevicheit's like a fish salad in comparison lol aiii what a delicious mix!!! SOOOO GOOD EVERYTHING!
And to top it off, they even gave a robin for us to try! Which is like our cachaça... but made from grapes and a bit stronger in taste... in fact it's not even stronger... I don't know, I can't explain it... I didn't like it very much, but I'd drink it again another time =)
I ordered a local soft drink to try and asked what it tasted like, he said it tasted like a fantasy huahauahuahuah it was very sweet, but tasty =)
309086 205231939540551 100001612385728 519024 1690743116 n 1 - Cris Pelo MundoWe finished eating and left... but as we are Brazilians... we were treated like celebrities... Don Augusto, the owner of the place... came to talk to us... he told us that he started with a little stall in the central market... and after a while he bought and bought until he took over almost the entire center of the market =) practically everything is his... he also joked a bit about the Argentinians and said that the best gift God had given the Chileans was the mountain range hauhauhuaha because it kept them apart hauahuahauha
We laughed a bit and then hurried out! We noticed that the parade had gotten creepy out there!
It looked like a war scene, people running... water jets... morale bombs... and things like that... fire in the street... people screaming... it was too tense!
And so we were stuck outside the hotel, since the biggest crowd was concentrated at the entrance =p I ended up using the internet outside the hotel, without WI FI because there was no internet in the street and the stores were practically all closed for the demonstration!

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I was agonized because I wanted to know the answers from the company that was supposed to sort it out, and to get into the house and get out of the whole "war"... it was terrible... we couldn't keep our eyes open for a second without sneezing, because the water had a chemical in it...
We walked and walked until we reached the Government House again and had to stop to ask the guard for information... in the middle of all the confusion... the guard stopped with the best intention in the world and answered us with a beautiful smile! Detail! Gabriel was dressed in camouflage pants and a shirt with a guy throwing something, but it was a flower, sort of in protest... but even so, the guard was the sweetest to us!

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We loved it and continued on our way! It got worse and worse with every step, and there was more confusion in sight! At one point we got lost... everyone started running and I had to go along...
Water everywhere... and protesters running A LOT... as a result... my throat almost closed from irritation... my eyes watering and red... and water with chemicals on my feet! I ran, I ran but I ended up getting hit lol
A few moments later, the 4 of us met up again, and further on we found a man having an epileptic seizure in the street, almost suffocating... the boys ended up helping the man, in the midst of the desperation of others... screaming and running around, only 4 Brazilians and 3 Chileans who stopped to help, but everything ended well... and we went to the back street of the Hotel, trying to plan how to get into the place, we couldn't take it anymore!!!
And it was still early afternoon! Oh my God... how would we do it?
We thought it over and made an escape plan, the protesters did it in a way that made the guards dizzy... one group shouted here, the other there and so the guards and "taques" kept moving from one side to the other... all the time moving lol We sped off to the gate and managed to get in, as soon as the protesters had crossed the street and dispersed 😉
We entered the hotel and the first thing I did was try to see what had been sorted out with the hotel...

*Continue ...*


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Waiter =)
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View from the window of my room after entering the hotel!
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Don Augusto.
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