Arriving in El Colorado! Snowboarding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And with every kilometer I passed, the mountain with its beautiful snow became bigger, really something magnificent... especially for me who had never seen snow, the sky looked like a painting by God and my eyes were VERY amazed... I kept taking more and more pictures... the snow started out very sparse, very shy, but little by little it showed its magnitude...

We arrive at the foot of the road and the driver tells us... LOOK, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A LOT OF BENDS! BE CAREFUL IF YOU GET CARSICK. I laughed... I'd already read about it... and when it started... I noticed how sinister they were... completely sharp and one after the other!!! Too tense! Whoever has the facility to call Raulll was screwed... Well... as it was taking a while to get up the hill... and Gabriel and I were at the front... we started talking to the driver... and we found it very funny... he immediately associated Brazilians with potheads... =/ see if you can? As soon as we told him we were Brazilians... he immediately said... Ahhh they love weed. But I explained that not everyone was like that... and we kept going up... He kept talking about the curves and how people usually throw up in their transportation... We were eating and he filched some of our cookies lol, we also asked him which station was the best! He said it was Valle Nevadobut only for those who already knew or had already done it... otherwise it was best to El Colorado... and that's where we went... It was a better slope for beginners, but not as silly as for children. As soon as we arrived, we rushed to buy a ticket and ask for an instructor, as we'd never even seen a snowboard, let alone snow!

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While we were waiting, we were playing in the snow, lying down, throwing snow at each other, taking photos, and having a nice snack with ice-cold coca cola in the snow and everything =p Until Chris called us up for a "lesson"... first lessons and I was the most confused to find my base hauhauahuaha and thinking I'd never been born for it... very scared that I'd paid all that money for nothing... thinking I'd never be able to get down all that snow with my board... on my feet.... Until I began to find myself... and after a few instructions he climbed up with us and began to teach us how to fall, get up, brake and so on. Until he asked us our names and where we were from... and again the marijuana joke... AHHHH BRAZILIANS? They love a good laugh... and he even made fun of our dear friend Marcondes... What's your name? What's your name? Marconha? Then he apologized and continued his lesson =p

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And in 15 minutes all the instructions were given... and he said... practice more until you get higher... be careful not to hurt yourself!!! We started, we climbed a little on foot... and we couldn't get enough air... every step higher... we were extremely tired and the air wouldn't come in for anything! But the view was very rewarding! I sat down and admired the beautiful scenery for a while! I got up with some difficulty and climbed down!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a treat!!! But when I started to get too fast... I'd fall on my ass in the snow hauhauhauha Each climb improved the descent, the control of the board and the lifting with the board 😉

Every time I climbed a little higher, I felt incredibly hot!!! I wanted to take my jacket off but the boys wouldn't let me, they said it was for safety reasons that the ice burned and not because it was cold. So I refreshed myself a little in the snow before going down =p and got in my face... I think I was discovering another sport that I'm passionate about, I'd even say I could be in second place =D of course after swimming hehehe The three of us were doing very well... Me, Gabriel and Felipe. Marcondes still had some difficulties... and we kept training... to face the mountain later... *Continues...* *PHOTOS*

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Funkeiros in the snow hauhauah
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