Well, it was time to wake up and get back to real life, everything until then had seemed like a perfect dream...
Preta (Laísa) held my foot and woke me up.
Hey Preta... it's ten to six!!! Levannnntaaaaa!!!
How can you? Already? I don't want to gorrrrr
I set my cell phone alarm for three different times. One I knew I wouldn't want to get up... the other to bring me back to reality and the last to really get up.
I lay there for a few more minutes, wondering if there was a way to stay, but all the euphoria of a new idea to do this... was thrown to the ground by the reality whispering in my ears.
I talked to myself...
Cris, you crazy woman... you work!!! You've got your whole life there and plans and... and... you're crazy!!!
Ahhhhh but I can have a life here too!!! I've even got a job =)
Yes, but not just like that, zeroed out, without many plans and still dropping everything...
You're right, Cris isn't wrong... she's always right... crap!
My maxed-out card and bills to pay helped me remember that I really had to get back to Rio.
The internal conflict was overturned by responsibility, while Laísa went back to sleep.
I got up, took my shower, dizzy with sleep... got ready, without really knowing what I was doing, put everything in my suitcase, locked it, took a deep breath and said goodbye to Laísa, Denise, Márcia and set off on my way!!!
Denise gave me a paçoquinha and a negresco for breakfast, since I left very early and the hostel's breakfast didn't start until eight in the morning...
Well... I left the room, walked around the Hostel, it was empty, silent and sad... I breathed in as much air as I could, so that I could feel a bit of it in my body, I went up to the terrace and looked at the view for about 5 seconds... just long enough for the tears to come out and for me to run away!
I crossed the street and went to the bus stop opposite the hostel.
While I was waiting, I gazed at that façade, with its delightful terrace and plenty of good things to remember... Ahhh Che Lagarto, Salvador and much more, how did they manage to snare me? Catch me by the heart?
I think it was the lack of credulity that took me by surprise... a city I didn't give a damn about surprised me!
Denise and Márcia appeared at the bedroom window and waited for me to get on the bus...
The weather was a bit rainy... it seemed that Salvador was also sad about my departure... a rainbow even appeared to say goodbye to me!!!
As soon as the bus arrived, I was surprised... but a good surprise! It was a normal bus, one of those street buses... but it had a luggage rack! Since the final destination was the airport! And the seats? They looked like travel buses, reclining and comfortable!!! The best thing was that it was only three reais! Hehehehe. Very good! If I'd known all this beforehand, I wouldn't have even considered taking a taxi. I really liked the bus and the service! The only bad thing was that it didn't run 24 hours a day, it stopped running very early in the morning...
It took about 40 minutes to get from Che to the airport, and I passed several beaches and places I'd been to, which made me miss them even more...
Ouch, ouch... after a while I arrived at the airport, took my suitcase off the bus and checked it in, walked around the airport... my head was spinning and there was still an hour and a half to go until the flight!!! What to do? Hummm very good... I bought a little notebook, I needed to write down what was going through my head... and my little Pucca notebook had stayed in Rio =p
Nham, nham notebook bought, pen in hand and still an hour of waiting... Perfect combination and lots of pages written (this whole post was written there!) and a feeling came over me!!! questions kept popping into my head...
What do you do when you don't want to leave?
When your heart squeezes and it seems that you should have been in that place your whole life, but that through the carelessness of fate, you ended up somewhere else.
I love my Rio, I love my family and my friends, but I feel Salvador inside me with such a strong force that it almost made me give up on leaving.
Every second that approached was more painful, the air no longer wanted to enter the lungs and the heart ached as if it were in a juicer, which increased its intensity every second.
I went to Salvador unpretentiously. With a certain amount of fear and discouragement, I almost gave up going... the week of the trip... thinking that I would see a violent, ugly, smelly city, with strange and boring people!!! At least that's what everyone told me before I went there. They were the private opinions of those who had already been... One or two at the most said I would like it.
What a pleasant surprise! I fell in love with the place!
Much more than the natural beauty are the friends I've made!!! Everyone I've met has left marks and nostalgia that will only heal when I return!!!
Ahh I hope it doesn't take too long... I don't want to have to keep this longing 😉
How can that be? I've traveled so much... I've been and stayed in beautiful places, I even say much more than there... but leaving them has never been so painful...
I've wanted to live in other places, like João Pessoa, Brasília, the South and so on... but I've never felt the pain of leaving!
I left with pools of blood gushing from my heart, without really understanding why or how this could happen.
I miss the things I didn't get to experience, crazy but at the same time very tasty... crazy things that were interrupted...
The hour flew by and the next thing I knew, a voice was talking.

The aircraft for flight 1605 to Rio de Janeiro is already on the ground, and we'll be boarding in a few minutes.
I got on the plane, read a bit and then went to sleep!!! I drooled a lot... I came alone, there was no one next to me!!! And I needed to rest. I'd arrive in Rio and go straight to work...
I only woke up when we landed, picked up my bags and an angel picked me up at Galeão =)
Life goes on... and the next trip was just around the corner... =p
The end.
Going to the airport. |
Going to the airport. |
Going to the airport. |
=) |
Waiting to take off. |
Last sight of Salvador. |
Already in allltooo lol. |
My only companion on the flight. |
Waiting for the bus to leave. |
Salvador saying goodbye to me. |
2 Responses
Very nice post, and the way you identified with the place.
Sometimes we don't expect much from a trip and it turns out to be unforgettable.
Kisses Ígor
Highlights of this post:
- In addition to the THREE women who wake you up, there's also Laísa who wakes you up "Elite Squad" style;
- I've never seen such an anti-diet breakfast with so little;
- There was so much axé and dendê that the young lady forgot Pucca's notebook, which cries tears of ink here in RJ;
- I'll never be able to look at an airplane wing again without looking for a patch;
- Your cutie-patooties that suit you SO much;
- Your IMMENSE love for a city that, even though I've only known you for about three months, has everything to do with you, young lady!!!
I loved this final post about this trip, it made me understand how much you love this city, thanks to mocinha, now I have one more place I want to go one day!!!
I look forward to more of your trips and posts! Inté! BjS!