Is a traveler born a traveler or does he become one?
A traveler is simply someone who wants to see everything! They want to feel, touch, smell, taste, talk to local people, understand the culture and add it to their lives, learn and pass on their knowledge.
The traveler is the one who is always choosing a place to explore, alleys, islands or continents, it doesn't matter, he just needs something new in his life. They fill themselves with new things, they always have a map (even if it's in their head) that needs to be completed, like a sticker album.
The traveler doesn't really care if he's going to the beach or the mountains, a hotel or camping, cold or hot, it's all great and if it's together, even better, he's not the one who cares about a lot of luxuries and expensive clothes or the car of the year, he simply wants to travel, he usually measures his money by trips (I do that a lot!), ahhh, I'm not going to buy that, it's too expensive! I could be going somewhere with that money, I'd better save it.
But where does this crazy desire come from? Is a traveler born a traveler or does he become one? I don't know, ever since I can remember, I've been making lists of places to visit throughout my life, and it's only got bigger and bigger: first my state, then my country, then the continent and then the whole world, but I also remember traveling with my family. Whenever they could, my parents would take the car and drive me around to see new places. My school also helped me, introduced me to the camping that I love so much today, maybe I was born with this desire and the World only showed me the tools, I don't know.
Does a traveler need to get off the ground to start walking on their own two feet? And that's where my lists come from? Or is it simply that a traveler is born a traveler and this only instigates that adventurous spirit even more?
I'm so intrigued when I hear someone say that they DON'T LIKE traveling, how can that be? Can you explain it to me? Is this an addiction? Are we travelers addicted to traveling? I can't imagine spending a whole year without going anywhere!
Were you born a traveler or did you become one? Where did you start? Where did your desire to leave the place come from?

9 Responses
Hi Cris, There are two of us "around the world"...kkkk.
I've just seen the link to the blog on mochileiros... I'm really enjoying it!
Very nice text and congratulations on the blog!
Oiee, Gabi!
Being "around the world" is great, isn't it? It renews the soul =)
Thank you so much for your comment =) I'm very, very happy when you like my texts 😉
I'm the same Hehe... recently I read an article in superinteressante magazine talking about this need to seek the new, the unknown... they were even studying a DNA code that could be responsible for this. It also talked about the explorers who set out to discover new lands, not knowing if they would return home, but they had the need to explore... we're certainly one of those...;)
Cris, I totally identify with you! You defined very well what it is to be a traveler! I love it!
Jr, I'm sure this DNA code exists, hehehe that's the only way to explain my need for it 🙂 Being like this is great, curiosity really drives me forward.
Ana, thank you for your comment! 😉 I'm so glad you liked it and identified with it, I think all travelers have a lot in common.
I think we're born travelers, but everyone needs a simple nudge to get hooked. I've always been like that... I remember the money I used to save from my first job... always to travel... lol
That's right, Gui! I think I was born that way too hehehe, and from a very young age I remember my lists of places I've visited and those I wanted to go to! Hhaahahaa and it only gets longer!
I think that more than "liking to travel" you have CURIOSITY! Curiosity to always see, hear, taste and feel new places, always leaving a little piece of your heart in each of them, only to have to go back to get it... how boring is that? hehehe
[I don't know if I was born a traveler or became one, but I'm certainly a pure traveler today. I've even read some things about a traveler's gene, [...]